First Aid
Privacy & Protection
Access and Input

Where are the first aid kits located?

Team room, billing/reception office


Where are the evacuation plans located?

By the door in every room

Where is the Notice of Privacy Practices available?

Summary of Privacy Practices are included in the Person Being Served Orientation Manual, the Notice of Privacy Practices is available to all individuals upon request, copies are maintained in reception, Reminder of Notice of Privacy Practices is posted in the waiting room bulletin board.


When is an incident report completed?

Generally, an incident is defined as “an event involving an individual in our care which results in harm or risk of harm to that individual. 


Please refer to Incident Management and Reporting guidelines found in iServe libraries.


How is person served input obtained by Mentor South Bay?

Satisfaction calls completed by management and QI, surveys are sent via email. Additionally person served/guardians can contact Mentor South Bay at any time to provide input. During field observations/supervisions when applicable.


Where are the fire extinguishers located?

By front entrance, in "shared space" by bathrooms, in team room


Who is evacuation team leader? What is their role?

Sarah Harris-Ensures authorities and staff are notified during hazard and staff have evacuated. 

A designated employee should “sweep” the building and close doors before exiting through the designated route.  It should be noted that no one should put themselves at risk when “sweeping” the building. 


Who is allowed to request medical records? When does MENTOR South Bay release records?

Anyone can request records. Mentor South Bay releases records only with valid release to do so (signed by person being served/legal guardian), an access request completed by person being served/legal guardian for their records, or a court order signed by a judge


How can a person being served/guardian file a complaint? Where is this information available?

Contact a site supervisor, director, QI or Sevita Compliance Hotline, this information is shared during the intake process and reviewed as needed. If all internal avenues are exhausted or at any time they choose, individuals may also file complaints externally through DPH, licensing board, insurance company.


How is employee input obtained by Mentor South Bay?

Supervision, team meeting, town hall meetings, employee surveys. Senior management also has an open door policy so staff may contact senior leadership and others at any time to provide input.


Where are the rubber gloves?

First Aid Kit


How are emergency preparedness drills completed?

In team meetings-either table top or live drills


What are examples of how MENTOR South Bay protects privacy of individuals served?

Administrative, Technical, and Physical Safeguards. Examples include: all records are maintained in locked filing cabinets; electronic records are encrypted; password protection on all devices, EHR, email; HIPAA log in EHR; policies and procedures in place; privacy training provided to all employees.


What is MENTOR South Bay’s Compliance Hotline used for? Who can call the hotline? Where is this information available?

A) To report any compliance concerns (billing, privacy, etc)  B) Anyone can call the hotline C) Posters in the team room, Orientation and annual trainings, Person Being Served Orientation Packet, Sevita Source


How is someone referred to services at Mentor South Bay?

They can self refer, be referred through family members or other community agencies (hospitals, doctors, DCF, schools, probation)


Who is First Aid/CPR trained on site?



What emergency preparedness drills are completed?

Fire drill, Tornado, Hurricane, Active Shooter, Utility Failure, Medical Emergency, Bomb Threat,  Ice Storm


When is a person served/guardian informed of their rights? How is this done?

During the initial intake session, through the Patient Rights, Privacy Practices and within the Family Handbook, this information is verbally shared and the person served/guardian is provided a copy as requested. Information includes Patient Rights, Privacy Practice, Consent to Treat and can be found in the office in a prominent location.


What Code of Ethics does MENTOR South Bay recognize? Where is this located?

Mentor South Bay Code of Conduct, Mentor South Bay Compliance Plan and the Employee Information Guide are available in Salesforce Libraries and Sevita Source. Staff are also required to adhere to any professional code of ethics.


How is a person screened for services?

Referrals can be taken by phone, faxed or online. The Intake department gathers demographic and insurance information. Director or designee reviews referral and assigns to appropriate clinician, a Masters level clinician completes a biopsychosocial assessment and determines medical necessity, case is further reviewed in supervision.


Where are the names of people that are First Aid/CPR certified?

In First Aid Kit


Where is the SAFE binder stored?

In team room


Where can staff locate Policy and Procedure Manuals?

Credible home page


Who is Mentor South Bay’s Compliance Officer? How can this person be reached?

Liz Russell, email:  


Please note: Privacy/HIPPA issues are reported to Mary Rodenberg Roberts Chief Compliance Counsel


If a person is found ineligible for services how are they informed?  

By the clinician or management in person or via phone. Person will be notified of reason and staff will refer elsewhere or identify other community supports as appropriate.
