Violent Individual
Bomb Threat
Medical Emergency
Utility Failure

Emergency Assistance TEAMS chat

What is "How we notify others in our program of what is happening?"


This is the top priority when a coherent but angry caller is upset about the services provided by our program and states that he placed a bomb in our facility.

What is keep the caller on the phone?


Immediate steps employees and customer-owners take during the earthquake

What is Drop, Cover, and Hold on?



What is three separate Code Blue alerts?

The department that should be notified of utility outages immediately

What is Facilities?


Run, Hide, Fight

What is "your immediate reaction to a violent individual once others are made aware of the situation?"

The Emergency Blue Tri-Fold by the Admin door

What is to document as much information about the caller as possible (including but not limited to voice, tone, gender, background noises, accent, caller ID information, where the bomb is located, and when it might go off, etc.)


The top 2-3 main concerns after an earthquake when, in your building, there is no electrical power, but emergency lights are working.

What is accounting for all building occupants, checking for injuries/getting medical care, and begin to determine any damage to facility?


Summon help to your location

What is call for help from any other employees in the area by announcing a Code Blue?


the Activation of Incident Command and EOP

What is dependent on the estimated length and scope of the outage, the severity of impact, and the services affected


Plain Language Emergency Alerts

What is the initiative that replaces the previous color-coded emergency system with clear and concise verbal announcements?


You find something out of the ordinary (a backpack, a box, container, or anything else that is not normally in the space) while scanning your immediate area.

What is do not move it or inspect it and notify law enforcement when they arrive?



What is preferably, after a earthquake, the building should only be evacuated in the event of activation of the fire alarm system


First aid kit locations

What is admin area, storage room, Brooke/Taylor office, and East Leadership?


The location of clinic Emergency Supply kits and emergency waters

What is each suite's storage room?


The three plain language emergency categories

What is Facility Alert, Security Alert, and Medical Alert?


The SCF Media Policy

What is you should never put yourself in the position of speaking with the media on behalf of SCF?


Staffing needs should be passed through the ________________. Program leadership should consider which essential services can be continued based on available staffing.

What is the chain of command?


AED Locations

What is across Sand Tray Room? What is across TRAILS Staff Bios?


The three main utility failure scenarios

What is power, water, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning?)

The Emergency Management Plan

What is the outline for back-up facilities for SCF programs and provides up to two locations that your program could move to if your program must be evacuated for a long period of time.


Evacuate all building occupants from the building and meet at the Assembly Point. Where do we meet?

What is the empty lot on North side of parking garage next to Popeye's?


After __ minutes of loss of power at the Ahklun Building, IT will begin shutting down systems and eventually all systems will be shutting down affecting phone and internet capabilities (CERNER and TIER access.)

What is 45 minutes?


7 steps after you see a person slumped over in the waiting area

1. Ensure the Scene is safe

2. Assess for Circulation to provide adequate blood supply to the body

3. Assess for Airway protection and maintenance

4. Assess for breathing

5. Activate 911

6. If available, delegate/retrieve/prepare an AED

7. If indicated, put on PPE to begin CPR


Most likely, loss of electrical power will affect ___________________ within the building and elevators

What is heating and cooling?