Emergency Planning

During what part of an employee’s training are they paired up with a teammate and are expected to observe?

What is shadowing?


The objective of this policy is to provide for the resolution of certain types of workplace problems that may arise between Key and Employees:

What is the Formal Complaint & Grievance Policy?


This is completed monthly, on rotating shifts –to familiarize staff/clients with evacuation routes and meeting places. 

What are safe evacuation drills?

Allowable answers: Fire Drill/Bomb Threat/Medical/Natural Disaster/Utility Failure/Violent of Threatening Situation/Hostile Intruder?


In this training you learn the indicators of abuse and protocol for reporting procedures:

What is Mandatory Reporting/51A Training?


Delivering quality care and services to youth and families, developing flexible and innovative treatment models, and ensuring a skilled and caring staff through quality supervision and training can be found here:

What is Key’s Mission Statement?


This is the pre-determined hand signal made by staff to secretly tell a teammate to call 9-1-1 that a hostile intruder is in the building.

What is the motion of crossing both arms across one’s chest forming the letter “X”?

Allowable answers: staff showing the signal


In this training, you learn that employees’ personal lives are not to be shared with clients. This includes war stories of an employee’s past or present activities

What is Professional Boundaries Training?


Posted in each site, this states (among other things) that each child will be treated humanely and with dignity.

What is the Statement of Service Delivery Rights?


List 3 items Key suggests having in staff vehicles when transporting clients in the winter months.

What is flashlight, blanket, shovel, ice scraper, whistle, kitty litter, jumper cables?


According to the Community Safety and Transportation trainings, name 3 items that should not be kept out in the open in your vehicle when transporting youth?

What is personal info, weapons, cell phones, money, cigarettes, lighters, matches, personal mail, confidential information, etc.?


Key developed this policy, which states that harassment, intimidation or violence or threats of violence of any kind of any individual (client to staff, staff to staff, family to staff) will not be tolerated.

What is Workplace Violence Policy?


This form is kept in all programs and lists contractor’s names and numbers, Instructions for shutting off utilities, medical numbers and the closet hospital.

 What is the Site-Specific Disaster Plan?


The Key Program adopted Risking Connection as its trauma informed framework. At its core is the belief that healing transpires and change emerges through relationships founded in this type of relationship. (DAILY DOUBLE)

What is RICH (Respect, Information, Connection, and Hope)?


This policy describes Key’s use and monitoring of its electronic and telephonic communications systems, including e-mail, internet and computer systems.

What is Electronic Communications Policy?


All Key locations has this type of fire extinguishers, which is appropriate for all fires except those involving combustible metals and commercial-grade cooking materials: (DAILY DOUBLE)

What is ABC type of fire extinguishers?  
