Caribbean Culture Before Spanish
Spanish Conquistadors
de Las Casas

This phenomenon occurs regularly in the Caribbean region and often still strikes today from the months of June through November. The strongest ever recorded to hit the Caribbean was in earlier this month (July 1, 2024) with sustained wind speeds of 150 miles per hour.

What is a hurricane?


This advanced civilization, known for its ceremonial ball courts and intricate stone carvings, flourished across the countries of the Caribbean before Columbus's arrival.

Who are the Taíno people?


The Spanish colonization of the Caribbean led to the introduction of this major religion to the indigenous populations.

What is Catholicism (Christianity)?


Name two careers held by Bartolome de las Casas.

What is conquistador and Dominican priest?


Name the countries that make up the three points of the Bermuda Triangle.

What is Florida, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda?


These two agricultural staples were primary crops cultivated by the Taíno people and formed a crucial part of their diet. Name them.

What is Guava and Mango?


Name the three G's that were the main motivators for the Spanish conquistadors and explain what each refers to.

What is God, Gold, and Glory?

True or False - In his Radical Argument to the Crown, Bartolome de las Casas argued that "all Spanish wars and conquests in the New World were legal and valid."
What is False?

These two countries make up the second-largest island in the Caribbean region, share a border, and were referred to under one name/title by Spanish conquistadors. 1) Name the two countries that share the border. 2) State the name to which the island was called.

1) What is Haiti and the Dominican Republic and 2) What is Hispaniola?


These intricate, stone-carved artifacts, found primarily in ceremonial contexts, depict both human and animal figures and are indicative of the Taíno artistic tradition.

What are zemis?


The Spanish introduced this important staple crop to the Caribbean, which quickly became a major export and shaped the region's economy and culture.

What is sugarcane?

True or False - In his Radical Argument to the Crown, Bartolome de las Casas argued that "the Indigenous had rightful possession of their land due to natural law and the law of nations."
What is True?

This city has the largest Afro-Latinx population on the island of Puerto Rico. Name it and spell it correctly on the chalkboard at the front of the class.

What is the city of Loíza?


This traditional ball game, played on a rectangular court called a "batey," was central to Taíno religious ceremonies and social gatherings.

What is the ball game (or batey) played by the Taíno people?


The Spanish colonization of the Caribbean led to the establishment of these large-scale agricultural estates, which relied heavily on enslaved labor.

What are plantations?


After presenting his case to the Crown in 1542, Bartolome de las Casas published his book that described first hand accounts of how the Spanish treated the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean. What was the name of the work?

What is A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies?


Fill out the entire Caribbean map (countries, oceans, and Bermuda Triangle) that is on the board CORRECTLY. You can use NO aids :)

Teacher will reveal/check answers...


Name the social class ranks of the Taíno tribe from highest to lowest. (Hint: not the traditional names...just the roles that were present in their villages).

Highest- Ruler of Village

2) Nobles and Warriors

3) Bohíque- Village Shaman

Lowest- Common villagers


The Spanish system of forced labor, known as this, dramatically impacted the social structure and culture of the Caribbean islands.

What is the encomienda system?

The first international, non-government campaign geared toward a humanitarian cause.
What is the Anti-Slavery Movement or the Abolition Movement?