Attitudes and Beliefs
An illness or condition from which recovery is not expected
What is terminal illness?
The person refuses to accept the diagnosis or feels a mistake has been made
What is Denial?
A document that allows a person to make his or her wishes regarding health care known to family members and health care workers, in case the time comes when he or she is not longer able to make those wishes known?
What is an Advance Directive?
A state of being where the dead meet again with loved ones who have passed on before them.
What is Afterlife?
Emotion that persists through all the stages of grief.
What is Hope?
Mental anguish, specifically associated with loss
What is grief?
The person realizes that he or she is actually going to die and has feelings of rage, which may be directed toward himself or herself or others.
What is anger?
A type of advance directive that states a person's wish that death not be artificially postponed.
What is a Living Will?
The person's cultural beliefs, the person's religious beliefs, the person's previous experience with death, and the person's sense of having accomplished everything he or she wanted to do in life.
What factors influence a person's attitude toward death?
-I have the right to be treated as a human being until I die -I have the right to maintain a sense of hopefulness -I have the right to express my feelings and emotions about my approaching death in my own way. -I have the right to participate in decisions about my care -I have the right to expect continuing medical and nursing attention. -I have the right not to die alone. -I have the right to be free of pain. -I have the right to have my questions answered honestly.
What is the Dying Person's Bill of Rights
Treatments that will not prolong life, but will make a person more comfortable, such as oxygen therapy, nutritional supplement, pain medication, range of motion, grooming, hygiene and positioning assistance.
What Supportive care?
The person wants to make a deal with someone he or she feels has control over his or her fate, such as God or a health care provider?
What is bargaining?
A type of advance directive that transfers the responsibility for handling a person's affairs and making medical to a family member, friend or trusted individual when the person is no longer able to make these decisions on his or her own behalf.
What is Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care?
The idea that a person's spirit or soul will live again on Earth in the form of an animal or human being yet to be born.
What is Reincarnation?
Care of a person's body after the person's death
What is Postmortem Care?
Care provided by a health care organization for people who are dying and their families.
What is Hospice care?
The person fully realizes that death will be the end result of the illness and experiences sadness and regret.
What is depression?
An order written on a person's chart specifying a person's wish that the usual efforts to save his or her life will not be made, also called a no-code order
What is Do Not Resuscitate order or DNR?
The last sense to leave a person before he or she dies.
What is hearing?
The stiffening of the muscles that usually develops within 2 to 4 hours after death
What is Rigor Mortis?
Care that focusses on relieving uncomfortable symptoms, not on curing the problem that is causing the symptoms: examples include pain medication, chemotherapy or radiation, oxygen to make breathing easier and some surgical procedures
What is Palliative Care?
The person comes to terms with the reality of his or her own death and is finally at peace with the knowledge?
What is acceptance?
A legal statement that expresses a person's wishes for the management of his or her affairs after death
What is a Will?
A nursing assistant checks on a dying patient or resident less often than on other patient's or residents, or might only admisister the necessary cares and leaves the room, or appears overly cheerful around the dying person.
What is avoidance behavior?
The covering used to wrap the body of a person who has died?
What is a shroud?