What's the first video Game to ever be invented?
What is a Mexican band called?
Who is the protagonist of the anime deathnote?
Light Yagami
Who is Gumballs best friend in The Amazing World Of Gumball?
How many hearts do octopus have?
What videogame is Game Freak most known for developing?
Who was the first person to go to space?
Yuri Gagarin
Name all akatuski members in Naruto?
Itachi, Kisame, Pain, Konan, Deidara, Kakazu, Zetsu, Sasori, Tobi, Hidan,
What are the names of Johnny Tests two sisters?
Susan and Mary
What color of a cat is said to bring good luck?
Black Cats
Name all of the sports included in wii sports?
Boxing, Tennis, Baseball, Bowling, Golf
What country has the most earthquakes?
Name all three main characters of Animes "Big 3".
Naruto, Ichigo, Luffy
What does the cartoon character Popeye consume to get stronger?
What animal symbolizes peace, purity, and innocence?
What materials are needed to make a bow and arrow in Minecraft and how many of each item are needed?
3 sticks and 3 string
What would happen if you were to enter a blackhole?
In long story short, it will rip you apart.
Which Hokage in Naruto created the flying rajin jutsu?
Who is Buzz Lightyears Father?
Emperor Zurg
Skittles red coloring used to be derived from what animal?
What does the hot stepping dash pepper do in Mario Galaxy 2? And what character consumes it?
Makes you run super fast and its yoshi
What flower was used as a form of currency in 1633?
What is undeniably the best anime of all time?
Attack on Titan
What are the three colors of The PowerPuff Girls?
Green, Blue, and Pink.
What is the fastest sea animal?