El pasaporte
What is Passport
la agencia de viajes
what is travel agency
el dedo
what is finger
el cepillo de dientes
what is toothbrush
mandar tarjetas postales
what is to send postcards
La Idenitficatión
What is ID
el aeropuerto
what is airport
la muñeca
what is wrist
la pasta de dientes
what is toothpaste
tomar fotos
what is to take pictures
El boleto
What is ticket
el reclamo de equipaje
what is baggage claim
el hombro
what is shoulder
el champú
what is shampoo
el recuerdo
what is souvenir
el Intinerario
What is Itinerary
la Oficina de Turismo
tourist office
el codo
el peine
las joyas
what is jewelry
la Tarjeta de embarque
what is boarding pass
la parada de turismo
tourist office
el cullo
el jabón
los aretes
what is earrings