Add a letter to "heel" to get this circular object that revolves on an axl
Will Smith acted as himself in this 1990s sitcom
Try explaining to your kids how this 1972 4-letter arcade game from Atari was the coolest thing for awhile
This Disney movie features a princess with magical ice powers
The top 4 most used letters in the English alphabet include 3 vowels and this consonent
Add a letter to the front of "wordplay" to get this activity prevalent in pirate movies
Ruby red slippers
Will Smith smacked the shiiiiit out of this 2022 Oscar’s host
Chris Rock
Introduced in 1982, this sequel had as big an appetite as her male predecessor
Ms. Pacman
POM Wonderful offers a variety of juices and teas made with this fruit
Insert a letter in "pad" to get the past tense of transferring of money for something
Charles Goodyear figured out that adding sulfur and this material heated made the soles flexible and durable
Will Smith’s sidekick in the movie Men in Black was this actor who also starred in Fugitive and No Country For Old Men
Tommy Lee Jones
This Nintendo action-adventure game centers around an elf-like boy who aims to collect 8 fragments to rescue a princess
Legend of Zelda
This Greek God is known as the king of Gods
Add a letter to the end of "aspirin" to get this ambitious word
This shoe brand was originally named “the Beach” but changed to an animal that adapts to both land and water, just like the shoe
Starring both Will and Jaden Smith, this 2006 film was about Will’s struggles to make a good life for him and his son
Pursuit of Happyness
Control an amphibian over hazardous roads and rivers to reach the other side in this arcade game
This leader of India is known for peaceful protests
Insert a letter in "confer" to get this type of shade giver
This type of shoe was originally made for men while riding horses due to the heel created a secure foothold on the saddle
High heels
Smith voiced the character Oscar in this animated underwater movie about an underachieving fish who just wants some street cred
Shark Tale
Aliens move down a screen towards a little green gun turret in this classic arcade game
Space Invaders/Asteroids
The Chicago based beer brand "Molson Coors" used to this called this which included both of it's top selling products