This is how an infant should be placed in their crib
what is On Their Back
Handwashing should be done for ____ seconds
What is the frequency of Fire, Tornado and Lockdown drills
Fire: Once a month
Tornado: Once a month March thru October
Lockdown: Once every 3 months
At what temp will we send a child home?
Where should cleaning chemicals be kept in the room?
Locked cabinet, out of reach of children
Number of steps to clean diaper table and use these items
What is 2 steps,
Soap & water, Purell
Handwashing should be done when.....
Entering the classroom, before and after meals, after diapering/bathroom, after playing outside, before and after sensory play, and any time throughout the day you feel is necessary.
Where do you take your class during a fire drill?
To your assigned playground
How long does a child have to stay home if they are ill or we sent them home?
24 hours fever and symptom free
Buttons, coins, powder, glitter, balloons, magnets, broken crayons are considered.......
Choke hazards for 3 and under
Sunscreen should be applied _____ minutes before going outside
Children and teachers should wash their hands to.....
to prevent the spread of germs and illness.
What procedures do you need to follow for drills
Head count, take CSR, tablet, backpack, complete a name to once you are at the required safety spot.
Who can give medications at school?
Any teacher who has been med certified by the nurse.
Where should sunscreen, and diaper cream be kept?
Out of reach of children
Sunscreen and diaper cream should be __________
Kept out of reach of children
Teachers should wear gloves when
changing diapers or soiled clothes, serving food, wiping noses, dealing any type of bodily fluid
Where do you go for a Lockdown?
Todds and up: Bathroom
Infants: corner on the front wall
What needs to be kept with the medication given at school?
Medication form signed by doctor, original prescription box, and appropriate medicine dispenser
Can children help clean your tables?
They may help with Soap and water only
What is checked on the CSR's when admin is doing their walk through?
Children are checked in and or out, Teachers are signed in and or out, 2 hour name to face have been completed, and transitions are completed.
Should you wash your hands after removing your gloves?
Where is the form posted for all drills performed?
Front Lobby
When and why do we fill out the illness forms?
Every time we send a child home sick or a parent calls a child out sick. We use it to track illness.
What should you do with broken toys?
Let admin know and throw them out.