La tire
What is maple taffee?
la course en canot
What is canoe racing?
le tuque
What is a winter hat?
le hotel de glace
What is the ice hotel?
Bonhomme lives here!
What is Quebec?
La queue de castor
What is a beaver tail?
Le patinage
What is skating?
les bottes
What are boots?
le palais de glace
What is the ice palace?
What month does Bonhomme like the best?
What is fevrier?
hot chocolate
What is chocolat chaud?
le traineau a chiens
What is dog sledding?
le foulard
What is a scarf?
Le Chateau Frontenac
What is the oldest and most expensive hotel in Quebec?
What is Bonhomme's favourite dance move?
What is the high kick?
The name of the adult drink at Carnaval.
What is caribou?
la peche sur glace
What is ice fishing?
la ceinture flechee
What is Bonhomme's belt?
St. Lawrence River
What is the river they do the canoe races on?
How does Bonhomme signal the start of Carnaval?
What is the night parade/ le defile de nuit?
What can you cook over a fire at Carnaval to eat?
What is le poisson?
le defile
What is the parade?
What do you wear as a pass to get into Carnaval?
What is an effigie?
What colours are on the Quebec flag?
What is bleu et blanc?
What is Bonhomme Carnaval's greeting?
What is "Joyeux Carnaval"?