What is The Brides FULL name?
Carol Na-Commeyokor Commey
When is The Brides birthday?
What is the official date of the white wedding?
15. Februar 2025
Kasie & Chukwus Favorite Carol
Why do we traditionally wear our wedding/engagement ring on our left hand 4th finger?
The ancient Romans believed that the 4th finger at the left hand had a vein that ran directly to the heart, so chose to wear the ring as a symbol of love
At what age did Carol intend to be married?
24 years
What is the Grooms favourite meal?
3rd of August
On a wedding invitation it will have a "RSVP", what does RSVP stand for?
Respondez s'il Vous plait
Three, and a first born babygirl
Isaac Chuwuakasiemobi Udeh
Covenant Family Community Church
Where did the couple have their first date?
A picnic at Aburi
"Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue", what does blue stand for?
Faithfullness & loyalty
A prayer warrior like her Mother
Sage & Beige
Who said the big "I LOVE YOU" first?
They would wear the same dress and veil as the bride to help confuse about who is actually the bride, to protect her from harm and evilness.