What is the top speed of a Fiat 500?
(within 20 km/h)
160 km/h
Name 5 German car brands
Audi, BMW, Porsche, mercedes, opel, volkswagen
how much does an average set of rims cost?
around 1.000kr
what does an air intake do?
it takes air into the engine
what type of car is lightning mcqueen?
NASCAR/race car
What is the top speed of a Lamborghini Avnetador?
(within 50 km/h)
350 km/h
name 4 Amarican car brands
Chevrolet, cadillac, Dodge, tesla, jeep, GMC, Ford, hummer
what does a fiat multipla cost?
(within 1.000kr)
what does a custom exhaust do
makes your exhauts louder
How many fast and Furious movies are there?
What is the top speed of a Audi R8?
(within 50 Km/h)
330 km/h
name 3 japanese car brands
Toyota, nissan, subaru, mitsubishi, mazda, honda, suzuki
whats the price of a zenvo st1?
(within 1 million kr)
what does canards do
improves areodynamics
whats the name of the actor that plays "brian o' connor" in the fast and furious movies?
Paul walker
What is the top speed of a Mclaren P1?
(within 50 km/h)
350 km/h
name 4 italien car brands
Ferrari, lamborghini, fiat, maserati, pagani, alfa romeo, abarth
whats the price of a turbo
(within 1000kr)
what does a wing/spoiler do?
increases control and stabillity at high speeds
what car is Mia and Tia in Cars 2?
Mazda miatas
What is the top speed of a koenigsegg One:1?
(within 50 km/h)
440 km/h
Name a danish car brand
Zenvo, nobe, ecomove
Whats the price of a pegani zonda?
(within 1 million kr)
39.000.000 kr
what does a turbo do?
gives more air flow into the engine's cylinder
what brands is sally from cars 1