What is the most abundant element in the universe?
Who is Luke and Leia’s mother?
Who is Padmé Amidala.
What is the national currency of India?
What is the Indian rupee
How many property squares are on a monopoly board?
What is 28.
What is Lysergic acid diethylamide.
How many ribs are in the human body?
What is 24.
Who is Chancellor Palpatine’s Sith alter-ego?
Who is Darth Sidious.
What year was the penny discontinues in Canada?
How many opening moves are there in a chess game?
What is 20.
What country is the drug death capital of the world?
What is Scotland.
What city did Starbucks open it's first store in 1971?
What is Seattle.
What color was Luke Skywalker's lightsaber in the first two movies?
What is blue.
What country were the first paper bills used?
What is China.
Which card game is NOT about getting rid of all your cards?
A. Gin Rummy
C. Crazy eights
D. Cheat
What is A, Gin Rummy.
What is the street value cost of one kilogram of cocaine in US?
What is between $10,000 and $20,000
How many countries are in Africa? (+/- 5)
How old is Yoda when he dies?
What is 900 years old.
How many American bills weighs one pound?(+/- 50)
What is 454.
How many characters are in a game of clue?
What is Seven.
Diacetylmorphine is more commonly known as what?
What is cocaine.
What is the loudest animal in the world?
What is the sperm whale.
What is the meaning of the Ancient Hebrew lettering written on Darth Vader’s chest piece?
What is “His deeds will not be forgiven until he merits.”
What is the most expensive currency?
What is the Kuwaiti Dinar.
What is the oldest known board game?
What is The Royal Game of Ur.
What is the main hallucinogenic ingredient in "magic mushrooms"?
What is psilocybin.