what time does carter have to wake up on tuesdays to see the garbage trucks in the morning
what is 6:00 am
how many cats do we have have
what is 2
what is carters least favorite garbage truck
what is scorpion
what is carters favorite garbage can of all time
what is otto edge
what is th name of his garbage can it changed
what is otto
how many garbage cans does his family have
what is 3
how many cats does Cristina and Justin have
what is 2
what is carters favorite truck
what is amrep
what is carters 2nd favorite garbage can
what is IPL
does carter still have a micky mouse pillow
what is yes
what did carter dress up for holloween
garbage man
what is our cats name
what is JB and Melvin
what garbage truck makes me happy
what is amrep
what was the name of the first garbage can that broke at our other house trick question
what is IDK
what day is his favorite day
what is garbage day
how long does carter have to wait for the garbage trucks
what is usually 40 minutes
what is Cristina and Justins cats name
what is Frodo and samwise
what is phoenix's newest truck
what is silver curbtender
what was the brand at our old house that was my favorite.
what is toter
what is carters least favorite days
windy monday's
what did the garbage man do on tuesday last week
what is put my garbage an on the side walk,wave and honk
what was our dads cats name
what is chandler and rufus
what truck breaks the garbage cans the most
what is scorpion
is Cristina and Justin's garbage can broken
what is yes
what is carters favorite cat