Procedures 1
What does PPE stand for?
Personal Protective Equipment
What is PDR?
Prevent, Detect, Respond
What is the ratio during "waking" hours and "sleeping" hours?
Waking Ratio- 1:8
Sleeping Ratio-1:16
What is the Fortaleza mascot?
An Eagle.
What is Fortaleza's address?
1201. S 7th ave Phoenix,AZ 85007
What is the difference between an Rec outing and an off campus outing?
Rec outing is 4 or more hours
Off-site outing is less than 4 hours
Who is a mandatory reporter?
Some states identify everyone as a mandated reporter, often included social worker, medical and medical health professionals, teachers, and childcare providers.
How long do we have to give initial facility tour?
72 hours (3 days)
Who are the PSA Compliance Managers?
Yessenia Rios
Dalia Trujillo
What is the maximum amount of space between the minor and an assigned staff?
6ft or 72 inches
How long do we have to report a PSA incident?
4 hours
What is the high-five approach?
What is the code of conduct?
Southwest Key Program is committed to providing a safe environment for all Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) from sexual abuse and sexual harassment. In order to ensure safety of UAC who are under the age of 18, Southwest Key staff, contractors and volunteers must comply with the following code of conduct.
Name the PD and APD's for Casa Fortaleza.
Desaray Brown (PD)
Adrian Carrillo (APD)
Liliana Peralta (APD)
What should be one of the first questions we ask residents during their YCW intake?
Do you have any allergies?
When is a child eligible for an outing and who needs to approve?
Immediately once approved and medically cleared.
CM, CL, and Medical must approve child
How does ORR define having supervision?
Having visual and audio supervision
How many times per policy must a child participate in a recreational outing?
1 outing every 30 days.
What is SWK Mission?
Opening doors to opportunities, so individuals can achieve their dreams.
What are the 5 values of SWK?
What are the four BMS categories?
Misuse of personal items
Disruptive behavior
Inappropriate interactions with staff
Inappropriate behavior general
What are the 8 steps for the Scope of Services?
1. Nursing Services
2. Assistance with self-administration of medication
3. Individual counseling
4. Group counseling
5. Behavioral health assessment
6. Treatment planning
7. Discharge planning
8. Discharge
How many and what are the categories for IR's?
5 categories
Missed Meal
Destruction Of Property
What is SWK's VISION?
Every person has the opportunity to thrive in a community that fosters success and social equity.
How often are disaster drills conducted?
Every 3 months per shift