What is our total capacity for Casa Oasis at this moment?
30 beds
What is the meeting point in the case of an evacuation due to an active shooter event?
Rock of Ages church
Who eats the most ice in 3rd shift?
True or False
Children with a food log need their own Bed Check Log
At what time is breakfast served?
There are 32 boys in Capri B with the appropriate 4 staff in ratio at 6:15 AM and 1st shift has not finished with their briefing.
Do you proceed with the wake-up procedure?
In the event there is a blackout in our facility, where do we take them in case we need to evacuate?
Casa Sueño
Who is the shortest staff in 3rd shift?
What possessions are newly arrived children allowed to retain after completing the intake process?
Children are not allowed to retain any possessions
How long can food be held in the warmer after it has been cooked?
4 hours
There are 24 children in Madagascar for. How many staff does the teacher need to be in ratio in order to conduct class?
How many emergency exits are there?
Who is the most metal staff in 3rd shift?
On the UKG timecard, what is the equivalent of 0.35 hours in minutes?
21 minutes
What is the holding temperature for cooked chicken?
140 degrees Fahrenheit
15 children are in an outing. How many staff are required for the outing if they are traveling in 8-passenger vans?
6 staff
Where are the Tornado Shelters located?
Madagascar, Fiji, Maui.
What is Dabi's favorite snack?
Cucumber with sal limon
What timeframe does the Education schedule span?
7:30AM- 2:00PM
True or False:
The menu for the month is posted and for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
False: The dinner menu is not posted for the month because they plan a different menu every week.
There are 7 girls in Bali, 6 girls in Tahiti, 8 girls in Hawaii, 10 children in Capri A and 29 boys in Capri B, 2 of those boys are 1:1 and 3 are under Close Observation.
How many staff are required to fulfill ratio purposes at 5PM?
11 staff for Ratio
How many fire extinguishers are there total in the facility?
What is Noe's favorite art style?
There are 4 items required for proper donning when in ratio for clients in isolation status. In what order must they be put on?
1. Gown 2. Mask 3. Goggles 4. Gloves
True or False
To properly wash kitchen materials after using, you need the following:
1. One sink filled with soap water
2. One sink filled with hot water
3. One sink filled with cold water