Information on Services
Identifying Problems
Understanding Memos
Workplace Memo
sickness caused by extreme high temperatures ----> A. heatstroke B. squatter C. summons
A. heatstroke
a request by an authority to do something ----> A. summons B. appalled C. evict
A. summons
skilled at surviving in an urban, poor, and often criminal environment -----> A. gang B. evict C. street-wise
C. street-wise
someone living illegally in a building ----> A. plagued by B. appalled C. squatter
C. squatter
shocked, horrified, or dismayed -----> A. evict B. appalled C. plaintiff
B. appalled
a pamphlet that gives information -------> A. plagued by B. plight C. brochure
C. brochure
person who brings a court case against another person ----> A. squatter B. plaintiff C. gang
B. plaintiff
a large group or team ----> A. plaintiff B. gang C. plight
B. gang
to remove someone from a house or dwelling ----> A. evict B. plagued by C. summons
A. evict
to be bothered or tormented by a problem -----> A. plagued by B. plight C. squatter
A. plagued by
1. What is the monthly fee for a family with one adult and two young children living in the same house? ----> A. $51.00 B. $42.00 C. $150.00 D. $100.00
B. $42.00
What does the word component mean? ----> A. plugs B. parts C. cables D. something missing
B. parts
3. What is delaying the next repairs on the elevator? ------> A. The elevator company has not responded. B. The technicians are not available now. C. The parts needed are not in stock. D. The exact problem needs to be identified.
C. The parts are not in stock.
What must not be sent through the mail?
Coins and currency
If a medical service is only partially covered, what will this company do? ---> A. They will process the paperwork. B. They will cover 100% of bill. C. You must pay a $10 co-pay. D. Send a bill in the mail for the part you have to pay.
D. Send a bill in the mail for the part you have to pay.
2. What is the purpose of the new project? -----> A. to teach young people how to stay healthy B. to identify schools with unhealthy conditions C. to provide nutritious meals for young people D. to interest teenagers in health care careers
A. to teach young people how to stay healthy
If you do not install a wall-mounted filter on your wall-mounted telephone, your broadband service will . . . ----> A. be disconnected. B. work correctly. C. not work correctly. D. disconnect this phone.
C. not work correctly.
4. According to the situation described, what is Mr. Handy’s concern? ------> A. He may not be able to maintain his prices. B. He will lose customers to the larger store. C. His store may not be able to carry many large items. D. The larger store will buy up all the merchandise.
B. He will lose customers to the larger store.
How many pieces of identification are required?
What is the point of this brochure? ---> A. to keep files up to date B. to say “welcome” to Healthy Life C. to give information about the healthy insurance policy D. to tell people to choose Healthy Life
C. to give information about the healthy insurance policy
What is the purpose of this memo? A. to give safety regulations for the company B. to explain that they need to wear hairnets C. to tell workers to wear safety shoes D. to discuss where to put the aprons
A. to give safety regulations for the company
You must install the filters ----> A. after you connect your fax machine. B. before you connect your TIVO. C. after you set up your modem. D. before you set up your modem.
D. before you set up your modem.
5. What is one reason people shop at Handy Hardware? ------> A. The store has a very large volume of sales. B. The store sells many products besides hardware. C. The store has many locations in East City. D. The store is owned by someone they know.
D. The store is owned by someone they know.
When must the checks be signed?
At the moment of presentation
What can you do if you can’t find a doctor for your special need? ------> A. The doctor in your group will specialize in all areas. B. Your doctor will recommend and refer you to a different doctor. C. You have to choose from a list of service providers. D. They have doctors for every medical need.
B. Your doctor will recommend and refer you to a different doctor.