Incident Reports
Duty Response
Residential Learning Experience
Random Questions
Meet the Leadership Team

What should every IR start with?

Date, time, location!

(EX: On September 4 at 12:43AM in Case Hall.....)


If it is 6:00PM on a Friday and you are navigating an incident...who should you call!

ACD on duty is operable from 5:00 PM Friday through 8:00 AM Monday!


What are the two neighborhood-wide programs happening this semester?

1. Block Party

2. South Skate (Now confirmed for Friday, 12/6!)


What is the difference between a "room move" and a "room swap" and which of these is currently available to residents

Room move: student moving to an open space

Room Swap: two or more students trading places

We are offering room swaps when all parties consent!


What was Caroline's cat's name?

Phoebe Cilantro 

(Phoebe is an acceptable answer)


In this IR...who are the "students involved"?

Resident Sabrina Carpenter

Resident Harry Styles

(Students Involved are only students who have broken policy or caused harm)


When conducting an alcohol violation, why do we have the resident place all containers in the center of the room?

1. To ensure all containers were collected

2. To take a photo for a quantity summary to attach to the IR

3. So the residents do not continue to drink it


What are "presence points" (also formerly known as "outreach")?

An informal opportunity to connect to residents. A literal action of reaching out in-person to your floor in an effort to build relationships and create an environment for candid conversations.

Can be so many things! Let's name examples!


Name 2 resources listed on the CARE card

1. CAPS emergency line/CAPS

2. MSU Safe Place

3. Center for Survivors

4. Thriving Campus

5. Online Engagement Center


What is the name of Jody's daughter?



In this IR...who are the "impacted parties?"

Resident Oliva Rodrigo 

(Impacted parties are those to whom harm has been done, or who are in need of care follow-up) 


A resident tells you that their RCPD air conditioning unit is not working. It is 3:00 PM on a Thursday. What do you do?

1. Have the resident file a maintenance request

2. Have the resident talk to the North Case Service Center to radio facilities 


When are living agreements due?

October 13!

Attempt to make contact with each resident room 3x!


What should your first steps be if a resident tells you they have a roommate conflict?

Any of the following:

1. Ask questions and listen (assess for bias, harm, mental wellness concerns, etc.)

2. Ask if they have spoken to their roommate about these concerns

3. Coach them on having a productive conversation

4. Ask if they have had a living agreement meeting


Which spider-man is J.C's favorite spider-man?

A. Tom Holland

B. Andrew Garfield

C. Tobey McGuire

B. Andrew Garfield


In this IR, who are the "witnesses?"

Resident Assistant Taylor Swift

Resident Olivia Rodrigo


When a student gives a disclosure of RVSM, we call the ACD/RD on Duty so they can call the CD, who will call the center for survivors. 

When the C4S advocate is coming over, name 3 meeting spaces that would be a good place to have the student meet with this advocate!

1. Caroline's Office

2. Jody's Office

3. The ACD Office

4. Sloffice

5. Your Room

6. Their Room

7. Any private space with a door and limited windows


True or False:

While suitemate agreements are not required, are you still allowed to conduct them?

Yes! This can be the first step of a mediation process, or done at the request of the residents!


When and where do ICAs host their Round Table Discussions (RTDs)?

Tuesdays, 8-9PM, Wonders Kiva


True or False!

Lucas loves to SKATEBOARD!

False....Lucas loves to LONGBOARD!


The first time we are introducing someone in an IR, what do we need to include before their name?



Community Director Caroline Murray ->CD Murray

Assistant Community Director Rileigh Thompson->ACD Thompson

Resident Hannah Montana->Resident Montana

Service Center Representative Justin Bieber->SCR Bieber

What should you do if you smell marijuana in your hallway, but you cannot pinpoint the source of the smell?

1. Write an IR with a room number range (Ex: smelled around rooms 601-604)

2. let your supervisor/the duty chain know

3. Email your floor a reminder of policies 


The week of 9/29, Caroline is providing you with content for your RLE board...what is the topic of this content?

Civil Discourse!

(election safety, inclusivity & bias response, etc.!)


Who are the two Residence Directors in our Duty Rotation?

Emma Larocca

Justin Asare

Wonders RDs!


What tv show did Rileigh name her cat after?

The Legend of Korra
