Sponsor Vetting
Home Studies
Background Checks/Fingerprints
  1. Within how many hours of identification of a potential sponsor, should the case manager contact the potential sponsor to ask about the child's health and medical history, and explain the potential sponsor requirements of the sponsorship.

Within 24 hours


Which type of home study is required when the child has been a victim of physical or sexual abuse under circumstances that indicate that the child’s health or welfare has been significantly harmed or threatened 

TVPRA Mandatory Home Study


An ACG that lives in a different address than the sponsor requires what check to be done on his/her address?

1 mile radius check


ORR provides ____ levels of PRS to unaccompanied children released from its care and custody to a sponsor via a network of ORR-funded providers.


three (3) levels


All Emergency Incidents (including death of a child), should be reported within how many hours of the emergency incident.

4 hours


A payroll check stub issued by an employer, dated within the last ____months before submission of the FRA. Is an acceptable proof of address.

2 months


All releases following home studies require.

post-release services.


Which field guidance establishes new fingerprint-based background check requirements for all sponsors, adult household members aged 18 and over, and adult caregivers identified in the Sponsor Care Plan 

 Field Guidance 26


Which PRS level is a high level of intensive services and engagement provided by PRS clinicians to released children and their sponsor families through a trauma-informed, intensive intervention approach if a thorough assessment determines that the family needs additional support for specific challenges or special circumstances 

Level Three (3) PRS


Within ___hours of the significant incident, the care provider must report it.

24 hours


Within ____calendar days of identifying a potential sponsor (or as soon as practicable for the sponsor), the case manager interviews the potential sponsor based on the Sponsor Assessment Interviewing Guidance

5 calendar days


ORR requires what type of home study for the following:

The potential sponsor is seeking to concurrently sponsor two (2) or more children (regardless of whether the potential sponsor has previously sponsored or sought to sponsor a child) and at least one (1) of the children is unrelated to the potential sponsor

ORR Mandated Home Study


Public records check results are valid for how many days from the date results are received

90 days


Which PRS level focuses on connecting and referring released children and their families to community resources based on the child’s and sponsor’s needs .

Level Two (2) PRS


Incidents that have occurred prior to the child coming into ORR care and custody should be documented as a ____ in the child’s case file within ___hours

-Historical Disclosure

-24 hours


A valid unexpired Foreign ID with sponsor photograph and current address is a valid proof of address.

True or False


Proof of address has to be a valid state ID if an ID is being used for proof of address.


What type of home study is done, in circumstances in which a home study is not required by the TVPRA or ORR policy, the case manager, and case coordinator may recommend that a home study be conducted if they agree that the home study may provide additional information to determine that the sponsor is able to care for the health, safety and well-being of the child



This check is obtained on a state-by-state basis and searches for any child abuse or neglect convictions 

Child Abuse and Neglect (CA/N) Check


 PRS providers must upload the closing PRS Report form into the UC Portal within ___calendar days of a case’s closure .

30 calendar days


Care providers must create _____to an existing Emergency Significant Incident Report (SIR) and SIR when information in the original document was incorrect or incomplete or new information becomes available about the incident.


Refugee travel document that contains a photograph and what other item can be used for proof of identity?


-Marriage Certificate

- etc

Please check MAPS 2.2.4


The home study provider must accept the home study referral from ORR and staff the case with a case manager within how many calendar days.

(3) calendar days of ORR’s referral.


As of February 14 2025______ results must be received, adjudicated, and recorded in the UAC Portal prior to approval for release.

Fingerprint results 

Per Field Guidance 26


Which level of PRS conducts virtual check-ins to confirm that the child is residing with the sponsor, is enrolled in and attending school, is aware of upcoming court dates, and is healthy and safe. 

PRS Level 1


Care providers MUST automatically refer children to the LSP for a follow-up legal screening within____ hours if one of the following types of Historical Disclosures is reported: 

  • Abuse/Neglect in DHS Custody
  • Past Abuse/Neglect Not in ORR Care or DHS Custody
  • Self-Disclosed Juvenile Delinquency

48 hours
