Limited participation
T or F - When a parent is coded "H" in ISD2 but has yet to meet with NMW, the parent is now recognized as limited
False - the parent is not considered limited until they meet with NMW and has completed an assessment, physical or mental screening, IRP and WPA for limited participation. They would be coded as full paticipation until this happens.
If a SPHH required 86 hours comes in and is working 20 hours a week and is also attending class for 15 hours a week + 15 study hours, how should her WPA be completed.
Core hours would be her PT job and non core could be listed as KT as to not waste VT time since she is currently meeting the core requirement with PT alone. Since VT is a timelimited activity, we dont need to use it as a core activity to save that time.
SPHH - required 86 core and 43 non core, is placed on job search. After being on job search for 5 days, finds employment for 20 hours a week and stops job searching. Reports his new employment to CDS and WPA is completed for 86 hours of employment. Client gets pulled on dissag the following month. Is this client meeting, if so, what is paperwork is needed?
No - even though parent became employed - a secondary activity should have been assigned as he is required 129 hours and his WPA was only for 86. Client would not meet on dissag and we would then report it as a CDS error.
T or F - Mom has been sent several appts and has never came in, she gets placed on a 1st lvl sanction and the FAP282 states she has until 11/5 to contact NMW. Parent comes in as a walkin on 11/8 and completes her paperwork. Sanction should now be lifted.
False - client was given 13 days to contact NMW and failed to contact us during the time frame. Her sanction will stick and we could then request it to be lifted after 30 compliance days.
Parent comes in and is requesting limited participation due to a back injury. She feels she is able to work part time and requests to be placed on job search for 10 hours a week. How would the WPA be completed?
Activity would be listed under "other" since she wont be meeting the 20/30 hours a week and would waste job search time.
Where should the 1st appt be indicated? What is the follow up if they miss that appt?
What is 1st appt box, they should immediately be scheduled a 2nd appt within 15 days of BED and notice of non comp should be sent to ISD
what is the maximum amount of time a WPA can be written for and what is the exception to the rule?
90 days is the maximum amount of time for everything except job search and employment. JS should be done at a minimum of weekly to ensure the participant met his hours, called daily and successfully completed his JS card. Employment WPA's are done for 6 months or their recert date. Check stubs can be requested monthly if it indicated on the WPA requirements.
Single dad comes in and requests limited participation for a back injury that occured at his last job. He is currently in the process of applying for workmans comp but needs TANF until it gets approved. During his assessment, he indicates he is active with his church and helps with the food kitchen every Wed and Sunday. How would his WPA be creatd?
We would list his hours under CS since he is providing a service to the community by helping in the kitchen. If he meets hours, he would be eligible for monthly gas cards.
2PHH set an intake appointment on day 4 of BED. Parents call that day and ask to reschedule for lack of transportation (car is broken). They are rescheduled for 10 days later. Parents come in on day 14 of BED and are set up to do job search. Would this case meet on dissag?
NO. Parents would have to be placed on JS and able to complete hours on their 1st week of benefits. CDS could have completed their intake, assessment, WPA and IRP via phone with they initially called in. Parents would only meet if they completed their required prorated hours within that month. CDS would do a initial WPA for benefit month and a 2nd WPA for ongoing months.
t or F - SPHH with baby 3 months old. She was placed on "A" and is working 25 hours a week. Coding should stick since she has a child under 1.
False - parent is meeting full participation and no longer needs to be limited. By keeping her on a "A" her 12 months are being counted against her.
What must be completed for a new client before a WPA can be created
An assessment. The date must be indicated on TLL to show you have completed this requirement.
What would you do? 2PHH not requesting childcare. Dad works 40 hours a week at a local dairy (172 monthly hours) and states that mom isnt able to come in as she she will stay home to care for their 6 month old son.
Complete dads required paperwork, WPA, IRP and assessment, request verification of employment within 5 days. Explain to dad that mom is required to participate with NMW as she is receiving TANF and is non compliant until she comes in and participates in a activity. As of 4/1/12, each and every person receiving TANF is REQUIRED to participate. Mom can do either core, non core or other hours. EVERYONE IS REQUIRED TO BE IN A WPA OR WILL BE NON COMPLIANT
Client comes in and reports he would like to start up his own business. What do we do?
We indicate his plans to become successful on his IRP, request a business plan, WPA is created for 1 hour of SE and the remaining hours in a core actity each month. Personal wage records are also required monthly. If he is unsuccessful with his self employment, he can do the 2nd core activity to keep compliant.
BED: 11/28/12, SPHH with youngest age 4. We see the parent on the same day and ask her to do 12 hours of CS at the local food bank. We call the site and set everything up for her. The CS agreement is signed and faxed to the site for signature the same day. Parent brings in her timesheet on the 1st and it only lists excused absenses. Is this client meeting participation. If so, why? What is another way she could have met.
No she is not. We cannot allow excused absense time until she starts actually attending her activity. Since parent was in the office that day, we could have had her do WE with us or ISD to meet those hours for the benefit month.
IRU has denied the request for limited participation because the medical records to not support their request. What do we do?
Contact client to come in ASAP, parent has 15 days to obtain a new WPA, ensure that ISD has changed their coding in ISD2 and we change them back to full participation.
Scenerio - A client comes in and is placed on job search for 30 hours a week. On day 3 of their job search, they come in and report they found a 40 hour a week job starting tomorrow. When entering the new WPA for employment, TLL wont allow you to until you do this...
End the old WPA in both TLL and ISD2 and narrate!
SPHH with youngest child age 3. BED: 11/12/12 but no DWP022 was submitted and was not on new approval report. She meets with you on 11/24/12 and reports she is enrolled in nursing school Mon - Fri 8-5. What do we do?
WPA should be backdated to start 11/12/12 since she has been enrolled in school. Start date: 11/12/12, follow up date: 11/30/12, with prorated hours. A 2nd WPA should be completed starting 12/1/12 to the end of the semester. Timesheets need to be completed from BED to meet on Dissag.
Mom comes in and requests limited participation because she cant stand for long periods of time. She would like to find a job and requests to be on a job search. She is not able to successfully look for a job for 20/30 hours a week but feels she can do 5 hours a week. We complete a WPA for job search for 5 hours a week.
This is incorrect. Since she is not able to fulfull the mandatory 20/30 hours a week of job search, we are wasting her job search time by placing her in this. The hours should be under "other"
Client is closing out on a 3rd lvl effect 11/30/12, ISD sends out a FAP282 on 10/28/12 giving the parent till 11/12/12 to contact us. Parent comes in on 11/26/12 to get back into compliance. Does her case stay open or will it close
Case will close. She was given till a certain date to contact us and missed it. She has no way of making up all those hours missed.
what report can be utilized to find out what activity and hours are assigned to a a parent requesting limited participation
limited activity report with activity
This report is available on the 1st should be cleared off by the 9th of every month.
Missing timesheet report. This report must be cleared off every month. All employment hours should be cleared off by the 1st as it does not require a timesheet. Zero hours must be entered if no timesheet or no WPA to clear if off your report. This report should also be checked once a week after the 9th to ensure all hours for the previous month have been enteered.
Clients case is closing on 11/30/12 for RC 236. On Dec 1st, you notice the case has closed for this reason and close it in TLL. Client comes up on a dispatch report and you reopen her case as it never officially closed, ISD just backdated from her recert date. She comes in on the 11th of December. How would her WPA be created
1. We should have waited till at least the 15th to close the case out or kept it in a spot to check if they reapplied. 2. Client will need to meet the full amount of hours to meet participation. This would be coded as a CDS error if pulled on dissag.
SPHH with youngest age 9. FLSA = 82 hours. Ongoing TANF case. Wants to volunteer at Salvation Army during holiday searson. How would we create the WPA?
We couldnt. FLSA would only be deemed to 86 hours and is still required a secondary activity to total 129 requirement.
Parent is currently serving her 2nd month of a 1st lvl sanction. She comes in and requests to be placed on EWP.
She is not a eligible candidate until her sanction is lifted.
T or F - Parent in 3rd trimester is walked over by ISD after they approve her case. She stays as long as she can but her ride shows up and has to leave. She is scheduled to come back tomorrow. How would we code her case?
She would be coded as full TANF required starndard participation until she meets with us for limited participation