Agency Contact
Presenting Problem & DSM 5 Diagnosis
Goals and Use of self
Practice Approach

A non-profit mental health care facility in Mason, OH that serves the Greater Cincinnati area as well as across the United States.

Linder Center of HOPE


Grace has what DSM 5 diagnoses?

Bulimia Nervosa, Major Depressive Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder.


Name 1 goal for Grace.

Goal 1: Grace will decrease the frequency of eating disorder behaviors.

Goal 2: Grace will decrease her over controlled tendency and display more radical openness in recovery and relationships. 


Name the practice approach utilized during groups with Grace. 

Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy.


Name all 3 of the ethical considerations listed for Grace.

1.02, 1.16, and 1.17.


Maggie's role within the Eating Disorder Program.

Leads eating disorder (EDO) groups across all units. 


Recurrent episodes of binge eating.

Grace engages in binge eating followed by purging three times a week. 


What are the pre-prescribed goals of the partial hospitalization program?

Reducing how clients rate anxiety and depression as well as decreasing suicidal ideation. 

How does Maggie approach working with Grace?

She meets clients where they are in terms of gaining an understanding of their willingness to change and what has and has not worked in the past. 


Who does Grace currently live with?

Mother, stepfather, 16-year old sister, and 9-year old brother. 


The treatment team within the EDO program consist of?

Therapist, Psychiatrist, Social Worker, and Dietitian. 


Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviors in order to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or other medications, fasting, or excessive exercise. 

Grace describes forcing herself to vomit after every meal. She has utilized diuretics and laxatives in the past but no longer has the money to access them. Additionally, if she is unable to purge after a meal, she will restrict what she eats for that meal, skip a meal, or run five miles to compensate for eating. 


Common eating disorder behaviors.

Standing instead of sitting, fidgeting, and bouncing one's leg to burn calories. 


How often is Grace attending groups?

3 days a week she attends sessions facilitated in the general population and 2 days a week she attends groups with others who are diagnosed with eating disorders. 


Who is responsible for Graces' past sexual trauma and at what age?

Her 2 older brothers and her cousin when she was 7 years old.


EDO group curriculum?

Body image, strengths and values, expressive writing, and radically open dialectical behavioral therapy. 


Self-evaluation is unduly influenced by body shape and weight. 

Grace weighs herself at least three times a day and engages in body checking behaviors each time she passes a reflective surface. 


Name 2 behaviors that caused Maggie to redirect Grace. 

standing instead of sitting, fidgeting, bouncing one's legs to burn calories, providing too much detail about eating disorder/trauma history, and side conversations.


Where does Grace discuss her application of RODBT concepts?

Individual therapy sessions. 


Why did Grace seek treatment?

"I have had an eating disorder since I was 12 and at this point, I can't go a day without purging. I hate my body and this disorder makes me miserable, but it's also the only way I know how to deal with anything."


Goals of EDO groups?

Provide support to the patients and give them space where they can talk about the issues specific to their diagnosis, while mentoring discussion to avoid any potentially triggering or harmful material. 


An average of 8-13 episodes of inappropriate compensatory behaviors per week. 

Before entering inpatient treatment, Grace admitted to purging after each meal on weekends, and after weeknight dinners when driving home from the partial hospitalization program, as well as after her night snack.


What personal information did Maggie tell Grace is not appropriate for her to disclose? 

"what is your mental health diagnosis"

"have you ever had an eating disorder."


What has Maggie started to do with Grace in group and why?

Challenge her. Maggie has learned that she has to be as tough on the eating disorder as the eating disorder is to the client. 


How was Grace referred to Linder Center of HOPE?

Outpatient providers at an outpatient branch of Cincinnati Children's Hospital.
