What zodiac sign is Teresa
What is a Capricorn
"Later we'll have some pumpkin pie..."
"And we'll do some caroling"
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love ____, to them who are the called according to
his purpose.
what is God
Guess my snap score
what is 31,139 snaps
what does HMU stand for
What zodiac sign is Jacob
what is a pisces
"Santa Claus won't make me happy..."
"With a toy on Christmas Day"
For the hope which is laid up for you in ______, whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel;
what is heaven
name three of my favorite artists
who is Joji, rex, boy Pablo, clairo, tame impala, wallows
what is the word gen z uses when they support someones relationship or want them to be together
what is a "ship"
What zodiac sign is Cozmo
What is a virgo
"But the prettiest sight to see..."
"Is the holly that will be on your own front door"
Cast thy burden upon the _____, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.
what is our LORD
name the color I use the I play among us
what is lime green
name the word gen z would use to describe Anthony
what is a "simp"
What zodiac sign is Ayden
"Jingle bell time is a swell time..."
"To go glidin in a one horse sleigh"
For to me to live
is _____, and to die
is gain.
what is Christ
Guess how many followers I have on instagram
what is 1005 followers
Name the word gen z uses when someone is lying
what is "cap"
What zodiac sign is Daniel
What is a Capricorn
"Once bitten and twice shy..."
"I keep my distance but you still catch my eye"
What is the word we use to end off our prayers
what is amen
Name all the boys I've liked
Jacob, Daniel, and Jonovan
Whats another word for "definitely" or "absolutely" that gen z uses
what is "bet"