Cass and Justins were this age when they started dating.
What is Cass was 19 Justin was 18.
This person made the first move.
What is Justin.
This is Cass's beloved niece's name.
What is Ophelia.
The year Cass and Justin moved back to Vancouver.
What is 2017.
Cass and Justin have known each other for this many years.
What is 11.
This is where Cass and Justin went on their first date.
Christmas pub for midnight breakfast.
Gary calls Cass this nickname.
Cassie girl.
This is Cass's favourite musician.
What is Taylor Swift.
Cass has this many siblings (step included)
What is 5.
This person said I love you first.
What is Justin.
This is where Nikki's side of the family is from.
What is Scotland.
This is Cass and Justin's favourite outdoor activity.
What is camping.
Cass and Justin attended this many weddings last year.
What is 4.
This is the first concert Cass and Justin saw together.
What is Red Hot Chili Peppers.
This is where Gary's family in Italy is from.
What is Calabria.
This is the last TV show they watched together.
What is survivor.
Cass moved this many times.
What is 13.
This was Cass and Justin's first couples costume.
What is Catwoman and Batman.
Justin has this many aunts and uncles.
This board game is most likely to cause a fight.
What is Lords of Waterdeep.