The person who teaches TABE Reading
Who is Mrs. Cotner?
the most popular trade on center's instructors.
Who is Mr. Farmer and Mrs. Barbra
the counselor over Welding Culinary and Carpentry
Who is Mrs. Webb?
The person who does pay.
Who is Mr. Chance?
the residential supervisor.
Who is Mr. Holland?
The people who teach High School.
Who is Mr. East and Mrs. Hollaway?
The instructor for the trade that works all over center taking care of the facility.
Who is Mr Miliam?
The counselor over Brick, Paint and HEO
Who is Mrs. Hawkins?
The person who drives people to their appointments.
Who is Mr. Salzar?
Dorm manager of Bumpers South
Who is Prelo Harris?
the teachers of TABE Math.
Ms. Clifton and Mrs. Payne
The instructors for trade that works in the dirt.
Who is Mr. King and Mr. Wilson?
the person over CPP.
Who is Mrs. Lewis?
the person over the warehouse.
Who is Mr. Elder?
the dorm manager of Bumpers North
Who is Mr. Trotter?
the GED instructor
Who is Ms. Harter?
FM stands for facility maintenance but the students say this is what FM stands for.
What is finding Miliam?
The day that ESP's are held on.
What is Wednesday?
the Center Director.
Who is Mr. Lassiter?
the dorm manager of Alamo
Who is Mrs. Bengoa?
the driver's Ed instructor
Who is Mrs. Halmes?
The manager over the trade instructors who assigns your trade.
Who is Mr. Elder?
The type of leave you fill out a counseling form for.
What is PTO (Paid time off)?
The person in charge of admin financial matters.
Who is Mr. Lindley?
the recreation person
Who is Mr. Lewis?