_____ in ensemble really misses her family
Chayale Silberstein
"I am sorry ma'am, but I cannot help you!" This iconic line was shouted by ________
Leah Klyne/Sister Victoria
Who was main character in the attempted "Upon her heart"?
Chana Kagan
Cheer for your heads and bc heads
(Clap clap clap)
Which shtetl kids inform the mothers about Itche's fall?
Moussia Stein/Chasha
and Gittel Grossbaum/Levik
Sing Gittel's solo
It's clear to me, yes I know now...
Sister Paulina always tells the orphanage girls that "talking during lessons..."
"Talking during lessons is stealing knowledge from those around you."
What was written on the back of the "Operation Exodus" production sweater?
I ran from Iran and here I am
"cut the tension"
You've got three guesses - How many girls are in our school this year?
Name two family trees in this production
Chanale, Mushka and Itche
Chayale, Estie and Mariasha
How many choirs were in production this year?
NINE - Shema 1 and 2, Rebuild, Emunah, Ensemble, Shtetl, Finale, Shlichus, Departing
"If a bowl of soup was all it did take, I could just see the lines of people waiting to get some." Said who?
This BC/DC was main character
Rochie Shemtov
Name five people on the props committee
Gittel Grossbaum, Devorah Stein, Rikki Goldstein, Batsheva Stein, Shaina Vorst, CMB, Pessel Suss, Baila Stock, DLG, Baila Silberstein, Chayale Stein, Mussie Tenenboim, Rochel Simmonds, Sheva Misholovin, Chani Gottlieb, CMS, Perel Stein, Mushky Gottlieb, Chanale Hecht
Shoutout to our HEADS
Which orphanage girl has seen an unpressed, unpolished German soldier?
Raizel Kagan/Antonina
How many times does Emunah choir reference Hashem?
SEVEN - Hashem, our Father, G-D
"Im a special U.S. envoy, and I would modify my tone if I were you." Said ____
Mushky Dubov has been running production for ___ years
How many beds did the orphanage have?
How many and which girls are in two choirs?
(Including ensemble, not including finale or harmonies shema choir is one choir)
Leah Vorst, Chaya Mushka Blumstein and Susskind, Rochel Simmonds, Chayale Silberstein, and Mushky Galperin. SIX
"We're no longer safe here." This warning was brought by
Dr Schneiderrr
Name three productions that no current students were in.
Inside Out, Forever Raizel, Routes to Roots, Songs of Sacrifice, Timeless Flame, Lamplighters
Who has the fastest costume change???
Shaina Shemtov/Shaina Shmotkin