Demand Date Stamping
BI and UMBI Claim Deadlines
Demand Letter Deadlines

This action must be taken on all demands, regardless of which Progressive office receives them or the time of day

What is:Date stamping the day they were first received?


This late-November holiday is one of the seven Federal holidays excluded when counting business days for demands.

What is: Thanksgiving Day?


If an expiration date falls on a weekend, you should move the deadline to this day of the week

What is: Friday


True or False: If a demand letter mentions "XX days from the date of the letter," you should use the letter's date as Day 1 and count only business days.

What is: False. (You should count all calendar days, including weekends)


The date stamp on a demand serves this critical purpose related to the demand's review.

What is: Helping determine the expiration date of the demand?


This crucial step must always be taken after adjusting a deadline due to holidays or non-working days.

What is: Notating in the claim notes what you did and why?


If there's no attorney time limit specified, you should use this many business days from the date the demand or counter demand was received.

What is: 15 business days


True or False: If an attorney specifies an exact date and time as the deadline in a BI demand letter, you should use that precise date and time when logging the demand.

What is: True


When a demand is received by mail and not scanned electronically on the same day, this alternative method must be used to record the date of receipt.

What is: A physical date stamp?


Despite being holidays in many states, these types of non-Federal observances are counted as regular days in demand calculations.

What are: State or local holidays?


In calculating deadlines for BI or UM/UIM claims, if the expiration falls on a holiday, you should take this specific action.

What is: Use the prior business day


True or False: When there's no attorney time limit mentioned in a BI demand letter, you should automatically apply a 15-day deadline from the date received.

What is: False. (You should log the demand with the date received and demand amount)


This word describes the importance of the date stamp in preserving an accurate record of when the demand was received.

What is: Memorialize?


When counting business days for demands, only this many Federal holidays are excluded from the count.

What is: 7


When an attorney specifies a time limit different from the standard, you should use this as the expiration date.

What is: The earliest date. (Either the 15 business days or the time limit provided by the attorney, whichever comes first)


True or False: If a demand letter states "20 days from the receipt of this letter," you should use the date the letter was written as Day 1 of your count.

What is: False. (You should use the date of receipt as Day 1, not the date the letter was written)


True or False: If a demand is received late in the day, it's acceptable to date stamp it with the next day's date.

What is: False? (All demands must be date stamped the day they were first received, regardless of the time of day)


Name three of the seven Federal holidays that are excluded when counting business days for demands.

What are: Any three of the following - New Year's Day, Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Fourth of July, Martin Luther King Jr. Day


When an attorney provides a specific time deadline for a UM/UIM demand, you should make sure to include this detail in the claim diaries.

What is: The time deadline


True or False: If a demand is received late in the day, it's acceptable to date stamp it with the next day's date

What is: False. (All demands must be date stamped the day they were first received, regardless of the time of day)
