What is the origin of the tensor fasciae late
Ilium and fascia
What is the origin of epitrochlearis?
Lateral surface of latissimus dorsi
What is the origin of the pectoantebrachialis?
maintain of sternum
What is the origin of external oblique?
Lumbodorsal fascia and posterior ribs
What is the action of flexor carpi ulnaris?
Flexes digits
What is the origin of the biceps femoris?
Tuberosity of ischium
What is origin of triceps brachii lateralis ?
Greater tuberosity of humerus
What is the origin of the pectoralis major?
Sternum and median ventral raphe
What’s is the origin of the internal oblique?
Lumbodorsal fascia and border of pelvic girdle
What is the origin of the palmaris longus?
Medial epicondyle of humerus
What is the insertion of the caudofemoralis?
What is the insertion of the triceps brachii lateralis?
Olecranon process of ulna
What is the insertion of pectoantebrachialis?
proximal end of forearm
What is the action of transversus abdominis?
Compresses abdomen
What’s the insertion of flexor digitorum?
proximal end of phalanges
What is the action of the biceps femoris?
What is the origin of triceps brachii longus?
Axillary border of scapula
What is the action of pectoralis major?
adducted humerus
What is the insertion of the rectus abdominis?
Sternum and costal cartilages
What is the origin of pronator teres?
Medial epicondyle of humerus
Identify muscle by definition: A small muscle cranial to the dorsal portion of the biceps femoris.
What is the action of the epitrochlearis, triceps brachii longus, and triceps brachii lateralis?
Extends forearm
Identify muscle by definition: A superficial triangular muscle causal to the pectoantebrachialis; a portion of the pectoralis major lies under the pectroantebrachialis.
Pectoralis Major
What is the insertion of the internal oblique?
Aponeurosis to linea alba
What is the action of flexor carpi radialis?
Flexes second and third metacarpals