What is this bridge called?
The golden gate bridge!!!!!
What is the name of this?
Statue of Liberty
What is the name of this?
The White House!
What kind of column is this?
Doric column!
What kind of cat is this
A calico cat!
What bridge is this?
London Bridge / Tower bridge
What is the name of this masterpiece?
The Leaning Tower of Pisa
What is this monument called?
The Great Sphinx of Giza!!!!
What kind of column?
Corinthian columns!
What kind of cat is this?
Scottish fold!
What is this bridges name?
Brooklyn Bridge!!!
What is the name of this masterpiece?
The eiffel tower
What is this monument called?
Lincoln Memorial!
What kind of column is this?
Ionic columns
What kind of cat is this?
What is this bridge called????
The Pont Du Gard!!
What is the name of this type of architecture?
A tracery window!
What is this called?
Thomas Jefferson Memorial !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is this type of column called?
Composite columns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What kind of cat is this?
California spangled!
What is this bridge called???!!!
The Sunshine Skyway Bridge!!!
What is the type of this masterpiece?
A mosaic!
What is the name of this?
The Pentagon!
What kind of column is this?!!
Tuscan column!!!
What kind of cat is this?
British Bicolor Cream Colored Cat!