The date of this year's autumn equinox
What is September 23rd?
The required number of merit badges to earn the Eagle rank
What is 21?
This makes the Vigil sash different from the Ordeal sash
What is the triangle and two bars?
Hawai'i was incorporated into the United States of America in this year
What is 1959?
This actor played Ken in the Barbie movie
Who is Ryan Gosling (literally me)?
Birds migrate this direction in the fall
What is south?
Name two national high-adventure camps in the US
What are Philmont, Summit, Sea Base, and Northern Tier?
What are Wimachtendienk, Wingoluachsik, and Witahemui?
This word means "family" in Hawai'ian
What is ohana?
The name of the dot on an "i" or "j"
What is a tittle?
An abbreviation for a popular fall Starbucks drink
What is a PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte)?
The symbol of the Life Scout Rank
What is a heart?
This Principal shoots the arrow in the Pre-Ordeal ceremony
Who is Kichkinet?
There are this many main islands in Hawai'i
What is eight?
The 4th president of the USA
Who is James Madison?
This pigment in leaves breaks down, causing them to change color
What is chlorophyll?
Camp Wanocksett and TVSR celebrated these anniversaries this summer
What are 99 and 98?
This is our Order of the Arrow Section
What is E-19?
This 2002 film features aliens and an Elvis soundtrack
What is Lilo and Stitch?
The landing site of Apollo 11
What is the Sea of Tranquility?
This president made Thanksgiving a national holiday
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
Heart of New England Council was formed from these two legacy councils
What are Mohegan and Nashua Valley?
The OA was founded by these two Scouters in 1915
Who are E. Urner Goodman and Carroll A. Edson?
Name 3 mocktails we enjoyed this afternoon
What are Mai Tai, Blue Hawaiian, Fruit Punch Bowl, and Hawaiian Surfer?
Popular artist who grossed 2.2 million dollars in ticket sales for her Eras Tour
Who is Taylor Swift?