Run-Ons & Fragments
Grammar Usage
Revising Verbs
I have two brothers. Ben and Mike.
What is I have to brothers, Ben and Mike. OR I have two brothers: Ben and Mike
I want to make the rite choices when I select my electives since im not in kindagarden any more.
What is I want to make the right choices when I select my electives since I'm not in kindergarten any more.
Me and my friends have been at Pine Tree since kindergarten. That's a pretty long time.
What is My friends and I have been at Pine Tree since kindergarten. That's a very long time/quite a long time.
I got a gift from my grandmother. Improve the verb in this sentence. Think of a word you might find in the thesaurus.
What is I received a gift from my grandmother.
my mom and dad visited cancun, mexico, last summer.
What is My mom and dad visited Cancun, Mexico, last summer.
Last year I visited Six Flags, I had fun riding the roller coaster.
What is Last year I visited Six Flags, and I had fun riding the roller coaster.
First period always has it's interruptions for alot of anouncements. Students must stop what their doing and listen to the principle.
What is First period always has its interruptions for a lot of announcements. Students must stop what they're doing and listen to the principal.
I am real good in math, but I do bad in English. Can I have extra time on this assignment?
What is I am really good in math, but I do badly/poorly in English. May I have extra time on this assignment?
I walked slowly to the auditorium. Give two different verbs which mean "walked slowly."
What is I moseyed/strolled/wandered to the auditorium.
this year, my classes are: math, texas history, science, english, drama, and athletics. Which words should be capitalized?
What is This year, my classes are: math, Texas history, science, English, drama, and athletics.
In the future I want to be a veterinarian I love animals especially cats.
What is In the future I want to be a veterinarian. I love animals, especially cats.
Scince is alwayes fun. I never no weather we're going to do an experement or play a game. Athaleticks is even more fun.
What is Science is always fun. I never know whether we're going to do an experiment or play a game. Athletics is even more fun. (not funner)
My friend and I we think the bestest thing the cafeteria serves is pizza. Its our favoritest food.
What is My friend and I think the best thing the cafeteria serves is pizza. It's our favorite food.
"Use your dictionary while you take the reading test," said the teacher. Give two other words for the verb said. DO NOT use the words yelled, screamed, or shouted.
What is "Use your dictionary while you take the reading test," instructed/insisted/directed/counseled the teacher.
the texas rangers are making a special appearance tonight at wrigley field in chicago.
What is The Texas Rangers are making a special appearance tonight at Wrigley Field in Chicago.
My dog a German shepherd is named Rowdy he sleeps in my room.
What is My dog, a German shepherd, is named Rowdy. He sleeps in my room.
I usully bring my AR book to evry class cuz my teechers expect me to reed after I finish my work.
What is I usually bring my AR book to every class because my teachers expect me to read after I finish my work.
My most happiest day came when my team won the championship game. That night, I laid on my bed and smiled as I thought about the game.
What is My happiest day cam when my team won the championship game. That night, I lay on my bed and smiled as I thought about the game.
"I have too much homework!" said Amanda. Give three verbs which could replace the verb said.
What is "I have too much homework! whined/complained/ moaned/groaned/sniffled/commented Amanda.
in the spring, both indian paintbrushes and bluebonnets bloom along the roadsides of west texas.
What is In the spring, both Indian paintbrushes and bluebonnets bloom along the roadsides of West Texas.
My dad is a mechanic my mother is a bus driver I ride on her bus.
What is My dad is a mechanic. My mother is a bus driver; (OR ,and) I ride on her bus.
Usully I rember my jim shoes, but today i actuly forgot them. I no im goin to be in truble & Coach will be mad.
What is Usually I remember my gym shoes, but today I actually forgot them. I know I'm going to be in trouble, and Coach will be mad.
Nobody told me nothing about the quiz today. I don't need no more bad grades!
What is Nobody told me anything about the quiz today. I don't need any more bad grades!
"Mrs. Smith, may I go to the restroom? asked John. Give three verbs which could be substituted for the verb asked.
What is Mrs. Smith, may I go to the restroom? questioned queried/begged/pleaded/inquired John.
i told mom and dad that my grandpa, papa joe, wanted to ride to the game with us.
What is I told Mom and Dad that my grandpa, Papa Joe, wanted to ride to the game with us.