What is not genuine; fraudulent
Manager of the fencing team, got kicked out of school
What is Holden
The school Holden has just been kicked out of. Located in Agerston Pennsylvania
What is Pencey Prep
What is not applying himself and flunking four classes
The reason Pencey Prep has a good academic ranking
What is kicking students out often
What is slang for money
Holden's History teacher at Pencey Prep
What is Old Spencer
Holden had a fencing meet here in the morning
What is New York
The reason Holden stands on top of the hill watching his classmates
What is to say goodbye and get a feeling of closure
The reason Holden is short of breath
What is heavy smoking
What is unattractively skinny or boney
The wife of Holden's history teacher
What is Mrs. Holden
Where most students from Holden's school are celebrating today
What is the football field
Holden leaves the game early to go here
What is Old Spencers house
How many inches Holden grew in the past year
What is six-and-a-half inches
What is to exclude from a society or group
Lives in Hollywood, drives a Jaguar
What is Holden's brother
Holden goes here to say goodbye to his school
What is Tomsen Hill
The reason Holden's team did not compete in the fencing meet
What is leaving the equipment on the subway
Holden states that wealthier schools have more what
What is crooks
What is an old-fashioned term for influenza
Headmaster's daughter, traditionally unattractive, kind
Selma Thurmer
What is Anthony Wayne Avenue
The reason there are barely any girls at the Pency Prep game
What is only seniors are allowed to bring girls
The reason Holden calls his classmates thieves
What is someone had stolen his jacket/gloves the week before