What is showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor
This is what Stradlater was doing before he entered the dorm
What is he was on a date
After speaking with Ackley, Holden decides he is going to do this
This character gets punched in the face
What is Holden
What is done or existing alone
This is why Holden picks a fight with Stradlater
What is Holden is jealous of Stradlaters's date with Jane
This is the reason Holden chooses to not go home and instead goes to New York
What is he is waiting for his parents to receive the letter from Old Thurmer saying he had been kicked out
This character punches Holden in the face
What is Stradlater
What is a person who believes that war and violence are unjustifiable
This is what Holden does to the English Composition he had written for Stradlater
What is rips it up and throws it away
This character sends Holden money four times a year
What is Holden's grandmother
What is sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious
This is the place Holden goes after his fight with Stradlater
What is Ackley's room
Holden begins to feel sad when packing after seeing this item
What is ice skates
This character is Ackleys roommate
What is Ely
What is having or showing no moral principles
Holden breaks this rule in the dorm while talking to Stradlater
What is smoking cigarettes
What is Canasta
This character lets Stradlater borrow his car for his date
What is Ed Banky