This character suffered from halitosis & pimples.
Who is Ackley?
The Ducks in Central Park are representative of this value in Holden.
What is Holden's desire to care for the vulnerable?
Holden leaves these objects on the train causing the Pensey team to forfeit.
What are the foils / fencing equipment?
This is the school Holden is being kicked out of at the start of the action of the text.
What is Pencey Prep?
Phoebe's middle name, either fake or real.
What is Weatherfield / Josephine?
The friend with whom Holden doesn’t trust Stradlater.
Who is Jane?
The Carousel and reaching for the gold ring are represative of this part of life.
What is maturing/ growing up from childhood?
"The best thing ... was that everything always stayed right where it was" - This is what Holden is referring to.
What is the museum?
Holden gives Phoebe this article of clothing to comfort her.
What is the red hunting hat?
Holden's younger brother with red hair.
Who is Allie?
This object covered in this was the focus of Holden's composition for Stradlater.
What is Allie's mitt covered in green ink?
Holden goes to visit this person after briefly visiting with Pheobe in his family's apartment?
Who is Mr. Antolini?
The current Holden, who is telling the story, is here.
What is an institution/mental hospital in California near D.B.?
He wrote Catcher in the Rye.
Who is J.D. Salinger?
Holden respects this person because he covers up James Castle.
Who is Mr. Antolini?
When Holden shatters this important object, it is representative of his own psychological breakdown.
What is the Little Shirley Beans Album (or record)?
Holden takes Sally Hayes on a date to see these performers.
Who are the Lunts?
Holden thinks about his death, dying from pneumonia as he wanders around wet & cold in this place.
Where is Central Park?
This is approximately how long ago the story takes place (i.e. the story being told in the text).
What is a few months - up to a year?
The Columbia student who advises Holden to see a psychoanalyst. Holden's friend who continues to refer to him as immature.
Who is Carl Luce?
The following quote demonstrates this motif: "The whole team ostracized me the whole way back on the train."
What is loneliness / being alone?
What did Holden do the night his brother died & why is it significant?
What is punching out windows in the garage?
Holden goes to this place and thinks everyone is a phony for "enjoying" the piano playing.
What is Ernie's?
Who is the author of the quote that Mr. Antolini gave Holden?
Who is Wilhelm Stekel?