What is the name of Katniss' stylist?
What is Katniss worried will happed due to her actions?
A rebellion / an uprising
What district is Katniss from?
District 12
Who is Effie to Katniss and Peeta?
Their escort / advisor
What is Gale's punishment for being caught with illegal game?
Being whipped
Name the two fallen tributes from District 11 that Katniss and Peeta speak about during their speeches on the Victory Tour.
Rue and Thresh
What is the name of the event celebrated by the Capitol that brings Katniss and Peeta back to the public eye?
The Victory Tour
During the Victory Tour, which district do Katniss and Peeta visit first?
District 11
What are the full names of the two men who want Katniss' affection?
Gale Hawthorne and Peeta Mellark
A house in the Victory Village
What is Gale's mum's name?
Why does President Snow visit Katniss at the beginning of the book?
To threaten her - she must convince everyone that her actions during the Games were out of love, not rebellion.
What is the Hob?
Black market hall in District 12
Who is Katniss's best friend in District 12?
What does Peeta do during the speech in District 11 that shocks Katniss and the crowd?
What are the full names of the two other victors living in District 12's Victor's Village?
Haymitch Abernathy and Peeta Mellark
What does Katniss find in the woods that symbolizes the growing rebellion at the end of part 1?
A cracker with a mockingjay on it
Katniss saw a district in chaos on the television. Which district was it?
District 8
Who is Darius and what relationship does he have to District 12 and Katniss?
Darius is a peacekeeper in District 12, and is a friend to Katniss.
Who is the author of the book?
Suzanne Collins
What is the first and last name of the new Head Gamemaker from the Capitol?
Plutarch Havensbee
How did Katniss reveal her father died when she was younger?
An explosion in the mines
Where in the woods does Katniss meet Gale?
A small concrete cabin by a lake.
Who do Katniss and Gale want to bring with them when they talk of running away?
Haymitch, Peeta, Prim, Katniss' mother, Hazelle, Gales's siblings
Peeta and Katniss are offered a liquid during the banquet at the Capitol. What is it used for?
To make them vomit so they can eat more food.