Vocabulary Terms
Irony and Allusions
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What is plot?
The events in the story
What is foreshadowing?
When the author hints at what is going to come through various types of foreshadowing.
What is irony?
When someone does or says something that is opposite of what they mean intentionally or the opposite of what the reader/viewer expects.
Who is the protagonist of the story?
Do you think that District 13 is a real place? If it is a real place what could that mean for the other districts?
Making Inferences!!
What is a climax?
The point of highest tension.
What is Concrete Foreshadowing
Something you can physically see or touch that hints at what is to come. Examples: 1.Colors 2. MOCKINGJAY PIN!!! Plutarch Heavensbee! HEAD GAME MAKER!
What is dramatic irony?
When the audience knows what is going to happen but the people in the story don't 1. Plays 2. Scary movies.
What is the setting of the story
Panem in the future
Do you believe that the 75th Hunger Games has always been what President Snow pulled out of the envelope? Explain.
Questioning/Making Inferences!
Define rising action and think of some examples
When tension rises in the story. Examples: 1. Man gets shot in District 11 for saluting Katniss and Peeta. 2. There is an uprising in District 8. 3. Only past victors can go back into the games.
What is Abstract Foreshadowing
Something that you CANNOT physically see that hints at what is to come. Examples: 1. Moods 2. Behaviors 3. KATNISS' BEHAVIOR WHEN SNOW IS AROUND! WHAT ABOUT WHEN FINNICK COMES BY HER?
What is situational irony
When the opposite of what we expect to happen, happens. Example 1. Katniss and Peeta going back into the Hunger Games
Who/what is the antagonist?
President Snow/The Capital Remember you will need to explain how you know and saying "because they are against the protagonist" is not a good answer.
Describe what you think the training center looks like in terms of people (other tributes) in comparison to last year.
Define Exposition
The background information of the story including the setting and often the protagonist.
What is prominent foreshadowing
When the author starts at the end and then retells the story. Example 1. The Outsiders
What is verbal irony
When a person/character says one thing but means the opposite. i.e. Sarcasm
What are some signs that a rebellion is coming?
The man getting shot from District 11 The hidden mockingjay items such as edible objects like the cracker, a watch that has the mockingjay disappear. Uprisings in District 8 The possibility that District 13 might be a real place.
What is the main conflict and how has that grown since the beginning of the book?
President Snow wants to get back at Katniss for the berries. 1. He comes to her house and gives her an ultimatum 2. New Peacekeepers 3. Gale gets whipped 4. They have to go back into the Hunger Games with other victors.
Define falling action
Where questions get answered in the story.
What is evocative foreshadowing
When the author uses leading phrases to hint at what is to come.
What is an allusion?
When the author refers to something OUTSIDE of the book to help the reader understand an aspect of the book better. i.e. Panem is North America.
What are the three different types of connections you can make?
text to text text to world text to self You will probably have to make a connection with each.
Why do you think Cinna has a different strategy for Katniss and Peeta this time around?
Because this isn't a game for Katniss, it's a challenge coming directly from President Snow. He wants everyone to know they are here to play the games not to get the love of the Capitol.