First Book of the Bible
Is Going to Mass a Commandment?
Yes (Fifth Commandment)
Name the Sacrament you are supposed to do before receiving Holy Communion
Who can receive all 7 Sacraments?
This Entity in the Most Holy Trinity is known for correlating to the phase ICE(solid).
How many Testaments are there?
Priest or Deacon or Bishop talks about readings
Name the Sacraments of Service/Vocation
Marriage & Holy Orders
What's the Popes Name?
Pope Francis
We receive This entity of the Trinity during the Sacrament of Confirmation
Holy Spirit
What's the Pastor's name
Fr. Juan Ruiz
Name the Synoptic Gospels
Matthew, Mark, Luke
Synoptic: Same but not to the core
Which Creed do we say in Mass?
These two Sacraments were instituted in The Last Supper
Holy Communion, Holy Orders
Who are Lay people?
You, others around you that aren't ordained and even people who serve in the religious life (Nuns/Brothers)
God the Father
Name the Channel that shows SpongeBob
Is the Paschal Mystery found in the New Testament or Old Testament?
New Testament
Paschal Mystery: Birth, Life & Death of Jesus
What is not sung during Lent
The Gloria
How many Sacraments can be received more than once?
2 Holy Communion, Reconciliation
What's the name of the Bishop from our Diocese?
Bishop DiMarzio
Known as the Burning Bush
The Holy Spirit
Name one of the Greatest Commandments (Hint it is not one of the Ten)
To Love others and to Love God with all your heart
Where can Psalms be found?
Old Testament
I confess to Almighty God and to you... (Finish)
I confess to Almighty God and to you my brothers and sisters that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words in what I have done and what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault. Therefore I ask Blessed Mary the Virgin, all the angels and saints and to you my brothers and sisters to pray with me to the Lord our God.
What is RCIA
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Is a Monseigneur the same as a regular Priest? Explain
Yes, A Monseigneur is a titled given to elderly Priest whom are most admirable for their work in the Church and service for so many years.
Match these three together
Mind/Soul/Body Spirit/Father/Son
Mind- God the Father
Body- God the Son
Soul- God the Holy Spirit
Name the 4 Marks of the Church as stated in the creed
One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic
This person wrote to the Romans, Ephesians and many more in letters to convince them to become Christians(Catholics)
Saint Paul
The only day of the year where there cannot be any Mass
Good Friday
How many Sacraments can the Pope receive?
Who is the Bishop of Rome?
Pope Francis
We here about This Entity of the Trinity a lot in the Old Testament
God the Father
When's our next day off from Church School?
Mother's Day :)