1st Commandment
2nd Commandment
3rd Commandment

What is the first commandment? 

I am the LORD your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me. 


What is the second commandment? 

You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain


What is the third Commandment?

Remember to keep holy the LORD'S Day


What was the first sin? (Adam and Eve)

Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit which brought death into the world. 


What does the 1st commandment teach us? 

The first commandment forbids us from false worship. We must value God above all things. 


What does the 2nd commandment teach us?

 This commandment is telling us we must always respect and honor God’s name


What does the 3rd commandment teach us?

God commands that on the seventh day of the week (Sundays) we go to his House (The Church) to Worship him in the Mass and keep this day holy. That means we should not work or shop for unnecessary things on Sundays. 

When we sin, we fail to __________ ?

When we sin, we fail to love God and neighbor 


Give an example of an idol/false God? 

Money, Power, Pleasure, Celebrities, False Religions 


Give an example of something that is against the second commandment. 

lying under oath, speaking disrespectfully about God and his Saints, being irreverent towards things of God


When do we have to go to Mass to keep this commandment? 

We must go to mass every Sunday to keep the day Holy. 


What are the 3 requirements for a sin to be Mortal? 

1. It must be a very serious matter 

2. We must know that is a serious matter

3. We must fully consent (choose) to do it 


What is Interior vs Exterior worship? 

Interior worship is our inner thoughts, feelings, admirations of God

Exterior worship is when interior worship is expressed in external actions like the sign of the cross, kneeling down, bowing, singing praise to God

What is a holy name which we should always speak with respect and honor?

Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Blessed Virgin Mary, God's Saints: St Andrew, St Peter, etc. 


Why is it important to God that we worship him at least once a week at Church?

We owe God our worship because he gives us everything and God asks for so little in return. The least we can do is spend 1 hour a week at Mass to thank him, adore him, praise him and ask him for his mercy. 


What is the difference between a Mortal Sin and a Venial Sin?

Mortal sin means death to the soul. It is any very serious sin which completely rejects God. 

Venial Sin is a less serious sin which does not cause the same damage to the soul as mortal but still has a negative effect. 


What is the highest form of worship? 

The highest form of worship is The Holy Mass. 


Give an example of how we should address God in prayer?

Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Our Lord Jesus Christ 

My Lord, My King, Almighty God

How should we behave during Mass? 

We should be reverent, focused and prayerful. We are in God's Presence and should be at our best behavior. 

Explain the effect of sin on ourselves and others.

You can give an example. 

When we sin we damage ourselves as we act in ways which we were not made for. This has an effect on the people around us as well because we are supposed to love others. 

For example: Selfishly stealing poor peoples food will cause them to starve but it will also turn us into a selfish person
