Did Mary have other kids besides Jesus?
Name a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity
What does the bread and wine turn into at mass?
Body and Blood of Jesus Christ
Name all three persons of the Trinity
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
What is prayer?
Conversation with God
Annunciation, Visitation, at the Cross, Presentation, descent of the Holy Spirit, etc.
Name a scene in the Bible where the Holy Spirit is appears
Bonus: name the book of the bible also
Baptism, Descent of the Holy Spirit, transfiguration, Elijah on Mt. Carmel, etc.
What are the three sacraments of initiation?
1. Baptism
2. Eucharist
3. Confirmation
True or false: the trinity is three Gods
what is the most important part about prayer?
If Jesus is the new Adam then Mary is the new ____
What are the three theological virtues that the Holy Spirit infuses in us at Baptism?
faith, hope, and charity (or love)
name all seven sacraments
1. baptism
2. confession
3. Eucharist
4. matrimony
5. Holy Orders
6. Confirmation
7. Anointing of the Sick
True or False: Jesus is 50% God and 50% human
what makes a sin mortal?
1. grave matter
2. full knowledge
3. full consent
Name a five mysteries of the Rosary
Many answers excepted
Name an image of the Holy Spirit
Water, Fire, Dove, wind
What are the two Sacraments of Healing?
1. Confession
2. Anointing of the Sick
Where does the Trinity dwell due to the virtue of our Baptism?
within us as long as we are in a state of Grace
What does Mortal sin do to our souls?
Kills charity within us so that God no longer dwells in us
What are the Four Dogmas of Mary
1. Mother of God
2. the assumption of Mary
3. the immaculate conception
4. Her perpetual virginity
What are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit?
1. understanding
2. wisdom
3. fortitude
4. knowledge
5. piety
6. awe
7. counsel
What is the name for the process in which the bread and wine become the Eucharist?
What is the term for God becoming man?
What is the ultimate goal of prayer?
Union with God!