Name 3 Cold Drinks
Water, Soda, Juice, Iced Tea, Iced Coffee, Milkshake, Smoothie
Name 3 farm animals
Cow, Sheep, Pig, Horse, Dog, Cat, Goat
Name 3 body parts on the upper half of your body
Head, Lungs, Spine, Arms, Hands, Ears, Eyes, Nose, Mouth, Stomach
Name 3 Winter Clothing Items
Hat, Gloves, Scarf, Coat, Ski pants, Boots, Sweater
Name 3 Breakfast foods
Cereal, Eggs, Omelet, Fruit, Toast, Oatmeal, Yogurt, Bagels, Waffles, Pancakes, Sausage, Bacon
Name 3 hot drinks
Coffee, Tea, Hot Cocoa, Hot Apple Cider
Name 2 flying animals
Bat, Bird
Name 3 body parts on the lower half of your body
Legs, Feet, Toes, Knees, Hips
Name 3 Summer Clothing Items
Bathing Suit, Shorts, Tank Top, Sandals
Name 3 cold foods
Ice cream, Salad, Sandwich, Popsicle
Name 3 sweet drinks
Soda, Juice, Milkshake, Smoothie, Sweet Tea, Lemonade
Name 3 jungle animals
Tiger, Giraffe, Lion, Monkey, Elephant, Gorilla
Name 3 bendable body parts
Elbows, Knees, Fingers, Toes, Ankles, Wrists, Hips
Name 3 Accessories
Scarf, Hat, Gloves, Socks
Name 3 soft foods
Mashed Potatoes, Applesauce, Yogurt, Soup, Banana, Avocado
Name 2 Fizzy Drinks
Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, Mountain Dew, Orange Soda, Root Beer, Seltzer
Name 3 small animals
Mouse, Bird, Frog, Rabbit, Rat
Name 3 internal body parts
Stomach, Heart, Lungs, Brain, Intestines, Veins, Arteries, Muscles, Bones
Name 3 types of jewelry
Earrings, Necklace, Bracelet, Ring
Name 3 citrus fruits
Orange, Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Clementine, Kiwi
Name 2 frozen drinks
Milkshake, Smoothie
Name 3 animals that hop
Rabbit, Kangaroo, Frog
Name the 5 body parts we use for our senses
Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Hands
Name 3 one-piece clothing items
Overalls, Dress, Jumper/Romper, Swimsuit, Snow pants
Name 3 dairy items
Cheese, Milk, Yogurt, Sour Cream, Cream Cheese, Ice cream, Butter, Cottage Cheese