The bird Catherine says Aelis is inside
What is a hawk?
Catherine's chosen curse phrase
What is "God's thumbs"?
What Catherine calls her brother Robert
What is a beast?
Age of the Duke of Warrington (that Aelis was forced to marry)
What is seven?
The name of Catherine's village
Name of Catherine's horse
Who is Blanchefleur?
What is a chicken?
What Catherine hates to do the most
What is weaving/spinning/embroidering with the ladies in the solar?
Way that Saint Catherine was killed
What is being spiked with a wheel?
Catherine's favorite of the puppies
Who is Brutus?
Catherine's oldest brother
Who was Robert?
What is dust from the graveyard?
Items Catherine threw down the privy
What were several spindles, an unfinished tapestry, and several skeins of yarn?
Food Catherine ate on Christmas Day while writing
What are figs?
The food the Jewish girl give Catherine to eat
What is onion and some bread?
Catherine's first suitor
Who was the wool merchant from Yarmouth?
(The one who sounded like his nose was perpetually stuck)
The method Catherine used to turn away the beautiful priggish suitor
What is blackening her own name while covered in muck?
First item listed on Catherine's list of things girls are not allowed to do
What is going on crusade?
Their village church's patron saint
Who was Saint Dorothy?
Which of the dogs (and why) was possessed?
What is Peppercorn had a candied fig in her ear?
Villager with the largest cottage/land
Who is Henry Newhouse?
Lady who was frightened by the dancing wormy lute strings
Who was Lady Margaret?
The first complaint Catherine entered into her diary
What is being bit by fleas?
The saint who, at three days old, said "I am Christian" and died
Who is Saint Rumwald?
Name of the boy who died in a celebration feast-brawl
Who was Robert Moreton?