What was happing in England at the time of the founding of America?
Persecution Christians
What three states make up the Spanish Arc?
California, Texas and Florida
The French come down into America through this Canadian city.
The Frist Bishop in the US.
Bishop John Caroll
First Bishop of South Carolina
Bishop England
Members of what church settled in Virginia?
Church of England
How many missions did Junipero Serra establish along the California Cost?
How would the French travel?
By Canoe
First native born American Saint?
St. Elizabeth Seaton
What Collage did Bishop Carroll establish?
Members of what church settled in New England?
The Calvinist
Kino was much then then a priest, he was also…
Missionary, Pastor, Explorer, Mapmaker, Historian and Protector of Indians
Who would travel with the French Explores?
Why did Isaac Jogues had to get from the Pope to do what? Because of?
Say Mass, His hands
What city was Bishop John Hughes over?
Where did the Catholic of New York travel to participate in Mass and receive the Sacraments?
To Philadelphia
Admiral Pedro Menendez de Aviles was sent to establish a colony where?
Father Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet discovered what important river?
Who's Cathedral was a Log Cabin?
Bishop Flaget
What did the early Catholics feel about their faith?
As a Precious Procession
Who gave the Catholic religious freedom in Pennsylvania?
How did St. Augustine get its name?
Founded on the Feast day of St. Augustine
The French would travel as far west as....
Who was the first Archbishop – New Mexico, Colorado, Utah and Arizona
Bishop Lamy
By 1850 how many Catholics would there be in America?
2 Million