What was the name of the garden God put Adam and Eve in?
What is the name of the prophet God chose to lead His people out of Egypt?
During what week of Advent do we lite the pink candle?
If someone is saved, but they are not yet ready to enter Heaven, where do they go to be purified?
Who was the first Pope of the Catholic Church?
Saint Peter
What were the names of two sons of Adam and Eve?
Cain and Abel
What are God's chosen people called in Exodus?
Israelites and Hebrews.
Jews is acceptable although it first appears in Kings 2.
In what city was Jesus born?
Name two people who were immaculately conceived
Jesus and Mary
Surrounded by what country or city are the Catholic Church's headquarters?
(The headquarters are technically their own country)
Rome, Italy
What sign did God give Noah that He would never flood the entire Earth again
what does it represent?
A rainbow representing God laying down his bow (weapon)
What happened to the Nile river in the first plague?
It turned to blood
What is celebrated on January 6th?
The Feast of the...
Name three miracles of Jesus
Name three miracles of Jesus
Who founded the Catholic Church?
Jesus Christ
What animal did God send Abraham to sacrifice instead of his son Isaac?
Name three plagues involving animals/bugs.
(there are five)
Frogs, gnats, flies, death of livestock, locusts
What do the eight maids a milking represent in the song the 12 Days of Christmas?
The Beatitudes
Jesus performed His first miracle in public at the request of whom?
Name one of the countries that Mary appeared in.
(there are tons)
Fatima, Portugal
Lourdes, France
La Vang, Vietnam
Guadalupe, Mexico
Many more
Name something significant about the first sentence in the Bible.
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
Creation is considered by some to be the greatest miracle in the Old Testament.
God created time, space, and matter.
God's creation points to His nature as the Holy Trinity.
Why is it called Passover?
The angel of death passes over the houses that had the blood of the lamb on the doorway.
What does the word Bethlehem translate to in English?
House of Bread (from Hebrew and Aramaic
House of Meat (from Arabic)
Do Catholics worship the saints?
Worship is for God alone and requires sacrifice.
Catholics venerate the saints as they are our family in Heaven.
What does the word Catholic mean?