Is more candy sold for Easter, Christmas, Valentine's Day or Halloween?
Most Americans bite off what part of a chocolate bunny first?
The Ears
On what Sunday during Lent does the priest bless palms?
Palm Sunday
What is the name for the period of 40 days before Easter?
According to the Bible, how many days passed between Jesus’ death and resurrection?
How many jellybeans do Americans consume each Easter?
1 million * 5 million * 10 million * 16 billion
16 billion
What color vestments does the priest wear during Lent?
What do Catholics abstain from eating on Fridays during Lent?
Milk * Meat * Fish * Vegetables
What does Easter Sunday represent?
The resurrection of Jesus Christ.
What is the Sunday before Easter called?
Palm Sunday
Besides bunnies, what animal is considered an Easter symbol?
A Lamb * A Donkey * A Horse * A Dog
A Lamb
While the Easter Bunny brings children eggs in the U.S., what sort of critter delivers the goods in Westphalia, Germany?
A Fox * A Dog * A Mouse * An Eagle
A Fox
What snack originated during Lent because it contains only flour, water and salt?
Bread * Pizza Dough * Pretzels * Pitas
How many times did Peter deny Christ after the abandoned the Lord?
Three times (Luke 22:54-57; Mark 14:69, 70; Matthew 26:73-75; John 18:13-27)
How many Stations of the Cross are there?
What vegetable do kids leave out for the Easter bunny?
What is the most popular color of marshmallow Peeps?
What Irish saint’s feast day takes place during Lent?
St. Patrick
What happened to Jesus on Good Friday?
He was crucified
How did Judas identify Jesus to the soldiers?
By giving Him a kiss (Matthew 26:47-49)
Which famous chocolate company makes Cadbury Creme Eggs in the United States?
Hersheys * Cadbury * Nestle * Godiva
What word is never said or sung during Lent?
Goria * Alleluia * Amen * Holy Holy
Alleluia - Praise the Lord
When does Lent officially end?
Palm Sunday * Easter Sunday * Holy Thursday, the Last Supper * Good Friday
At sundown on Holy Thursday before the beginning of the Mass of the Last Supper
Where did Jesus go on Palm Sunday?
He entered Jerusalem.
Who was the first person to see the risen Christ?
Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9)