He Said, She Said
Miraculous Martyrs
Bible Thumper
This Is Gospel
Wild Card >:)

This Italian Franciscan with the stigmata (the wounds of Christ) counseled: “Pray, hope, and don’t worry.”

Who is Padre Pio?

At Christianity's beginning, this young man was considered a heretic and stoned. He was later recognized as the first Christian martyr and 'crowned' with that title.

Who is St. Stephen?


How many books are in the New Testament?

What is 27 books?


In which Gospel do we find eight Beatitudes?

What is the Gospel of Matthew?


This country eats the most macaroni and cheese than any other nation in the world.

What is Canada?

This beloved Carmelite nun once said: "You cannot be half a saint; you must be a whole saint or no saint at all."

Who is St. Therese of Liseux?


This incredibly wise female saint was condemned to die upon a spiked wheel. When she was placed upon it, her hands were miraculously freed and the wheel shattered. She was then beheaded.

Who is St. Catherine of Alexandria?


Name one of the three sons of Noah.

Who is Shem? Who is Ham? Who is Japeth?


Which gospel does NOT contain the account of the calming of the storm at sea?

What is the Gospel of John?


In ancient Rome, this sour fruit was used as an antidote to all poisons.

What is a lemon?


This renowned theologian and prolific writer, considered to be a doctor of the church, once wrote, “Our hearts were made for You, O Lord, and they are restless until they rest in you.”

Who is St. Augustine of Hippo?


According to tradition, this miraculous saint was ordered to be killed by arrows for converting his fellow Roman soldiers to Christianity. He was left for dead by the archers but was rehabilitated by a pious widow. Following his recovery, he presented himself to Diocletian and was subsequently beaten to death.  

Who is St. Sebastian?


Which prophet called down fire from heaven, and fasted in the desert for 40 days?

Who is Elijah?

After the Resurrection, Jesus joins two disciples on the road to Emmaus. The disciples walk and talk with him for some time, but do not recognize him until Jesus breaks bread with them. As soon as they recognize him, Jesus vanishes. Which evangelist recorded this post-Easter miracle?

What is the Gospel of Luke?


In America, it is a federal crime to share your password to this popular streaming platform. (but who's keeping track anyway?)

What is Netflix?


This 16th-century Spanish Carmelite nun said: “Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours.”

Who is St. Teresa of Avila?


This Church Father, who was Bishop of Smyrna, was bound and burned at the stake, then stabbed when the fire miraculously failed to consume his body.

Who is St. Polycarp?


The name of the place where the Lord sits upon the Ark of the Covenant.

What is the mercy seat?


Which Gospel most emphasizes Christ as King and fulfillment of the Jewish prophecies?

What is the Gospel of Matthew?

Before being a chemical technician, Pope Francis occupied this unusual job when he lived in Buenos Aires as a young man.

What is a nightclub bouncer?


This Church Father and bishop in Lyon, France, taught that “the glory of God is man fully alive.”

Who is St. Irenaeus?


This kind-hearted saint who converted many to Christianity was arrested and imprisoned in the city in an attempt to make her renounce her faith. She was scourged and was stripped and submerged into a cauldron of boiling oil, but these tortures did not cause her any harm, nor did they make her turn from her faith. She was then beheaded.

Who is St. Olivia of Palermo?


What is the eigth commandment out of the Ten Commandments?

What is "Thou Shalt Not Steal"?


When the Prodigal Son returns home, his father holds a feast. What did his father send one of his servants to kill for the feast?

What is a fattened calf?


A Starbucks coffee cup appears in every scene of this renowned 1999 American thriller film starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton.

What is Fight Club?
