Biblical Places
Sacrament or Sin
Famous Catholic Prayers
Movies/TV Shows
Holy Objects

This garden is known as the paradise where Adam and Eve lived.

What is the Garden of Eden?


This sacrament is considered the gateway to all other sacraments, marking the beginning of a life of grace.

What is Baptism?


“___ _______, who ___ in _______,”

What is the Lord’s Prayer?
(Our Father, who art in heaven)?


This animated film follows the story of Moses and the Exodus, featuring the iconic song "When You Believe."

What is The Prince of Egypt?


This large, ornate container is used to hold the Eucharist and is often found in the sanctuary.

What is a Tabernacle?


This city is where Jesus performed his first miracle, turning water into wine at a wedding.

What is Cana?


This sin, which St. Thomas Aquinas described as “an inordinate desire for revenge,” opposes the virtue of patience and is one of the seven deadly sins.

What is Wrath?


This prayer expresses sorrow for one’s sins and seeks God’s mercy, often recited during the sacrament of Reconciliation.

What is the Act of Contrition?


In this comedy film, a Mexican monk uses his wrestling persona to promote faith and community while helping orphans and fighting corruption.

What is Nacho Libre?


This object is a large, decorative candle lit during the Easter season, representing the light of Christ.

What is the Paschal Candle?


This mountain is where Moses received the Ten Commandments.

What is Mount Sinai?


This sin is often called the "root of all evil," as it can lead to all other sins by focusing on the desire for material wealth over God.

What is Avarice (Greed)?


Known as a meditation on the mysteries of Christ’s life, this prayer involves using an item of the same name

What is the Rosary?


This Marvel series on Netflix explores themes of faith and redemption as a blind lawyer battles crime and moral dilemmas while grounded in his Catholic upbringing.

What is Daredevil?


This object holds the consecrated hosts and is often displayed during Eucharistic Adoration.

What is a Monstrance?


This place is where Jesus prayed and was arrested before his crucifixion.

What is the Garden of Gethsemane?


This sacrament can only be administered by a bishop and has three distinct degrees: diaconate, priesthood, and episcopacy.

What is Holy Orders?


This prayer, composed by Pope John Paul II, reflects on the Passion of Christ and is often prayed during the Stations of the Cross.

What is the Way of the Cross Prayer?


This film tells the story of a group of hobbits on a quest to destroy a powerful ring, with strong themes of sacrifice, friendship, and the struggle between good and evil, reflecting Catholic values.

What is The Lord of the Rings?


This garment worn by priests signifies their sacred role.

What is a Chasuble?


This ancient city was where Paul preached and encountered many Greek philosophers.

What is Athens?


This sacrament, established at Pentecost when the apostles received the Holy Spirit, is seen as completing and perfecting the grace received at Baptism.

What is Confirmation?


Often recited during Lent, this prayer consists of five invocations asking for God’s mercy.

What is the Divine Mercy Chaplet?


This film tells the story of a young woman who experiences visions of the Virgin Mary and her message to the world.

What is The Song of Bernadette?


This liturgical object is a ceremonial staff used by bishops, symbolizing their pastoral authority.

What is a Crozier?
