What does the word Catholic mean?
What is "universal"?
St. Jerome said, "Ignorance of scripture is ignorance of ____________".
In the 4th century, St. Jerome translated the bible from Greek into Latin. Gradually Latin, the language spoken by the Romans, began to replace Greek as the common language in the western part of the empire.
What is first commandment?
What is "I am the Lord thy God, and you shall have no other gods before me?"
____ is the best Catholic parish in Kenner.
St. Jerome.
A specific community within the Church led by a priest or presbyter appointed by the bishop.
What is a parish?
This is the part of the Mass wherein the word of God is proclaimed
What is Liturgy of the Word?
Which saint wrote this. "You move us to delight in praising You; for You have made us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.
Who is St. Augustine?
Who did God give the commandments to?
Who is Moses?
Who is the founder of the Catholic Church
Who is Jesus Christ?
Name the Sacrament that must be received before any others.
What is "baptism"?
This is the time of the year when Catholics wait for the coming of Jesus
What is Advent? This is the time for preparation for Christmas. The color for this season is violet.
Born in 1887, this Italian priest and mystic has been attributed with many mystical qualities. He could levitate, bilocate, read the hearts of people confessing to him before they even confessed, heal people simply with his touch, and he bore the stigmata (5 wounds of Christ) for 50years.
What is St. Padre Pio?
What colors are the papal flag?
What are yellow and white?
Who was the first Pope of the Catholic Church?
Who is St. Peter?
One of the 12 apostles. In Matthew 16:19 Jesus says to Peter, "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
The gift of God’s own life; love, presence poured out to us.
What is "grace"?
_______ is, according to the teaching of the Catholic Church, the change of substance or essence by which the bread and wine offered in the sacrifice of the sacrament of the Eucharist during the Mass, become, in reality, the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ.
What is Transubstantiation?
"The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white ___" - Venerable Servant of God Fulton Sheen
Name all 4 Gospels from the bible?
What are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?
The "Birthday of the Church" is _________
What is Pentecost?
Pentecost (Greek for 50th day) is celebrated by Christians 50 days after Easter, and marks the day that the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles while they were cowering and hiding behind locked doors following Jesus’ resurrection. After receiving the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit, the apostles immediately went out and preached Jesus’ message to everyone—even those who spoke other languages.
From the Latin for “teacher”, it is the teaching authority of the Church, inherited from the Apostles, consisting of the Pope and Bishops.
What is the "Magisterium"?
How many popes have there been?
What is 266?
This doctrine teaches that Mary was conceived without Original Sin.
What is the "Immaculate Conception"?
How many books are in the bible?
What is 73?
What year did Pope St. Pius X become pope?
What is 1903?
A Greek word for this type of love that is defined as unconditional, sacrificial, supernatural, altruistic, and Christian; like Christ's death on the Cross.
What is "Agape"?