What is the sacrament where you are blessed with water?
This saint is the patron saint of love.
St. Valentine
This is the day we celebrate Jesus’s birthday
This is a prayer dedicated to the Virgin Mary
Hail Mary
What are the two types of sins?
Venial and Mortal
This is the sacrament where you recieve the body of Christ.
This saints color is mostly green and he is believed to abolish all snakes from ireland.
St. Patrick
On this day we celebrate Jesus resurrecting from the dead.
This prayer is know as the LORD’s prayer
Our Father
When a guy becomes a priest they get married to who?
The Church
This sacrament allows the priest to forgive your sins
This saint is mostly known as a famous character on christmas.
St. Nicholas
On this occasion we give something up for 40 days.
This prayer includes 50 Hail Marys and 10 Our Fathers
The Rosary
How many kings when to Jesus to give him gifts when he was born?
Trick question
In the bible it does not specify how many kings but it is said to be three
This is the sacrament where two people are untied for God with love.
This saint is the most famous saint and is the queen of the heaven and earth.
The Virgin Mary
On this day we get ashes on our forehead and it is the day Lent starts.
Ash Wednesday
This is the prayer that Jesus told St. Faustina ti share across the world
The Divine Mercy
What does A.D. stand for and what does it mean
Ano Domini and it means “In the year of our LORD”
This is the sacrament where a priest gives communion and confession do a person who is sick or dying.
Anointing of the sick
These are three saints know as archangels.
St. Michael
St. Gabriel
St. Rafael
On this day we celebrate the Holy Spirit coming down and Jesus ascending into heaven.
This prayer is one that is used for protection
St Michael the Archangel
How many apparitions of the Virgin Mary are there?