How many commandments are there?
Cuantos Mandamientos?
The day we commemorate the resurrection of Jesus
El dia que conmemoramos la resurreccion de Jesus
What is Easter?
Que es Pascua?
What's the liturgical color for ordinary time?
Que color es la temporada liturgico del tiempo ordinario?
What is the holy trinity?
Que es la santisima trinidad?
Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit
Padre, Hijo, y Espiritu Santo
Who did God create first?
A quien creo a Dios primero?
What is the number of Apostles?
Cuantos Apostoles?
Liturgical Season with 40 Days
Temporada Liturgico con 40 Dias
What is Lent?
Que es la Cuaresma?
What are the two Sacraments of Healing?
Que son los dos Sacramentos de Sanacion?
Confession/Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick
Confesion/Recociliacion y Uncion de los Enfermos
Who is the leader of the catholic church?
Quien es el lider de la iglesia catolica?
The Pope
El Papa
What did God do on the seventh day?
Que hizo Dios el septimo dia?
God rested
Dios descanso
How many sacraments are there?
Cuantos sacramentos?
Liturgical season that helps prepare us for Christmas
Temporada liturgico que nos ayuda prepararnos para la Navidad
What is Advent?
Que es el Adviento?
Who is the Virgin Mary?
Quien es la Virgen Maria?
The Mother of God
La Madre de Dios
What are the teachings/classes of the Catholic Church?
Como se llaman las ensenansas de la iglesia catholica?
Who was Jesus's adoptive father?
Quien era el padre adoptivo de Jesus?
How many days after Jesus' death did he resurrect?
A los cuantos dias Jesus resucito?
The birth of Jesus.
El nacimiento de Jesus
What is Christmas?
Que es la Navidad?
What is the name of the current Pope?
Que es el nombre del Papa en este momento?
Pope Francis
Papa Francisco
What is the celebration of the sacrament of the eucharist called?
Como se llama la celebration del sacramento de la eucaristia?
Where does the Pope Live?
Donde vive el Papa?
Rome/Vatican city
Roma/Ciudad del Vaticano
How many days and nights was Jesus in the desert for?
Cuantos dias y noches estaba Jesus en el desierto?
40 days and 40 nights
40 dias y 40 noches
Lent starts on this day.
La Cuaresma comienza este dia.
What is Ash Wednesday?
Que es Miercoles de Ceniza?
What are the Sacraments of Initiation?
Que son los Sacramentos de Iniciacion?
Baptism, Eucharist & Confirmation
Bautismo, Eucharistia y Confirmacion
Who is the leader of the mass?
Quien derije la misa?
The Priest
El Padre
Who was the pope right before Pope Francis?
Quien era el padre antes del Papa Francisco
Pope Benedict XVI
Papa Benedicto XVI