I spent almost as much time in the chapel as I did in the library.
In my vocation, I live in community with my fellow members.
(Life of a Sister or Brother)
In the book of Exodus, I led the chosen people of God out of Egypt into the Promised
Land and passed down the 10 Commandments despite not being a good public speaker
The Salve Regina is most often prayed as part of this.
(the Rosary)
All Catholics are called to which vocation.
(divine beatitude or holiness)
I had a number of opportunities to get involved in several different clubs, fraternities or sororities.
(College student)
By remaining chaste, my relationship with God increases.
(All vocations)
This word means “messenger” or, literally, “one who is sent away” and, according to
Christian tradition, refers to any missionary who was sent to preach the word of God.
We pray this Creed during Mass
This has a tendency to reproduce itself and reinforce itself, but cannot destroy the moral sense at its root.
I was discouraged from having a job while attending school
I live on my own but make all decisions on where to live, where to work and what to do in my free time.
(Life of a Single Person)
At the age of 75, I took my wife, Sarah, to a land specified by God to create a new
(Abraham or Abram)
This popular devotion has as its image a picture of Jesus with both a white and red light
shining from his heart and the words “Jesus, I trust in You” are written below.
(Divine Mercy Chaplet)
These four virtues are known as the Cardinal Virtues.
(Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance)
While going to school I also took care of the sick and elderly as part of my formation.
I must make vows to fulfill my vocation.
(Life of a Parent, Religious Brother or Sister, and Priest)
Which prophet reported that God said, “If a virtuous man turns away from virtue and
does wrong when I place a stumbling block before him, he shall die. He shall die for his
sin, and his virtuous deeds shall not be remembered; but I will hold you responsible for
his death if you did not warn him.” Jeremiah, Hosea, Isaiah or Ezekiel
What three prayers are said at each of the large beads on the Rosary?
(Our Father, Glory Be, and O My Jesus)
Faith, Hope and Charity inform all the moral virtues and give them life. They are known, collectively, as these.
(Theological Virtues)
Most people in my vocation begin the journey with a time of prayer and discernment before beginning studies
(Seminarian and novice)
I would give my life for the ones I love.
(All vocations)
We were three brothers thrown into a white-hot furnace for failing to worship the gods of
King Nebuchadnezzar. None of us suffered any injury and thereby the King was
(Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
This prayer is the most frequently used sacramental, reminding us of our baptism, the Triune God and the life, death and resurrection of Jesus
(Sign of the Cross)
Put this statement in your own words. “God created us without us: but he did not will to save us without us.”
(We did nothing to be created, but we must admit our faults in order to be saved.)