A time to gather with other believers and celebrate the Eucharist.
What is Mass?
The Lord's Passion is re-enacted on this day.
What is Good Friday?
The term "Mardi Gras" meaning in English.
What is Fat Tuesday?
The Easter Triduum.
What is the Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday?
The first Passover took place in this country.
What is Egypt?
Father wears this color MOST days during Lent.
What is purple?
Ashes are made from the burned leaves from this day a year prior.
What is Palm Sunday?
Lent ends on this day
What is Holy Thursday?
Jesus appeared to this person after His resurrection.
Who is Mary Magdalene?
The word that is never sung/said during mass during Lent.
What is "alleluia"?
No meat is allowed on this day.
What is Friday?
The biblical story that the 40 days of Lent represent.
What is the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert?
The number of weeks in Lent.
What is six?
Ash Wednesday is on this day.
What is Wednesday?
The days during Lent which you are required to fast.
What is Ash Wednesday and Good Friday?
The set of mysteries that take place during the Lenten season.
What is sorrowful?
The three pillars of the Lenten season.
What is prayer, fasting, and almsgiving?